Chapter 9 Part 1

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No one's POV

At the Autobot's base

The sound of the ground bridge ran through the base.

Optimus stopped decoding the coordinates for the relics and looked up at the Autobots that just came back from mission.

"Did you find her?" He asked.

"Didn't see any trace of the decepticons or (Y/n)" said Arcee looking depressed like everyone else in the base.

"Where's Smokescreen?" Miko asked kneeling on the couch with Raf and Jack.

"He said he's going to patrol the forest again incase we missed anything sign, even though we walked through it three times." answered arcee walking towards the humans.

The atmosphere in the autobot base has been different after they found your squashed car far away from town 5 days ago, right away they knew the decepticons had kidnaped you, which means Megatron knows that you're his daughter and the key to victory.

Optimus told the humans and Smokescreen about how you related/are the prophecy and Megatron's daughter. After that Smokescreen doesn't talk as much as he use to, most of the time he's out driving around trying to find any sign that could lead to you, everyone/bot know that he's blaming himself for your disappearance which kind of is. But they still try to comfort him, but no matter how many times or who tell him that it's not his fault or he already tried his best to protect you or accident happens, none of the words got to Smokescreen.

"Since (Y/n) starts missing, there had been no decepticon activities, oddly peaceful." said Ratchet looking through the data pad "Optimus, do you think they're hiding from us? So we won't have a chance to find out their location?" Ratchet asked half knowing the answer but still looked at Optimus who has gone back to decoding the next coordinates. Optimus didn't answer, but he stopped for a few second before the base filled with the sound of typing again.

Everyone went back to do their stuff but stayed silence until Optimus spoke  "I'm nearly finished decoding the next coordinate."

"You may not need to complete your task, Optimus." Ratchet said looking at the other screen which is flashing and beeping.

======earlier at Nemesis===================

Normal POV

You're now sitting in a glass cylinder cage, staring at the slender mech decoding.

After Megatron left you to Starscream he carried you to a room full of chains and torture equipmenta, a room build for torture. He tortured you for no specific reason, he used everyway his little mind can think of, every equipment on the ship that he can set his servos on. You died once during the torture, if it wasn't Soundwave you wouldn't be here right now. When Megatron found out Starscream killed you which is half true because you died from the lack of blood you lost because of the torture. Megatron banished Starscream and broke his wings, but Starscream escaped before Megatron could tear it off. At least that's what you heard from the decepticons, because you slept for two days after coming back to life and you don't remember anything before your death or after.

You have scars all over your body, mostly on the chest and back because Starscream didn't want Megatron. To find out which he did. Most time Starscream electrify you because he thinks it's more enjoyable to watch.

Megatron handed you to Soundwave after Starscream ran away  but sometimes he would take care of you himself, everytime he's with you he would ask you to join him but you always refuse and it ended up as a fight about the same thing over and over again. Repeating the conversation every time you two are together.

Most of the time with Soundwave you sit in a glass cylinder on Soundwave's computer, watching the silent mech decoding some very hard cybertronian coordination. It's really boring, so you spend you're time wondering about life and the prophecy, sometimes you stare at the silent mech thinking about what he's thinking, it really interesting and boring because you can never know the answer. You just wish you are out of there and back home. It's not that Soundwave treated you very bad, infact you gives you the basic things you need to live. You don't know how he got it but Soundwave brings you food and water everyday, he even got you a portable toilet, but all those things are in different cylinders because it can't all fit in one.

You had tried to escape when he's focus on decoding but everytime when you almost succeeded one of his tentacle would put you back to where you started without turning his helm at all.

You miss the Autobots, Jack, Miko and Raf a lot but you tried not to think about it because it just makes things worse. Oh, and you miss having freedom too. You miss just chatting to others about random things and going to where ever you want to go, calling the people you like, contacting with friends. But you couldn't because you don't have your phone, Soundwave broke it, in case you tried to contact the outside world even he know it's not possible because they blocked the signal.

Suddenly Soundwave lifted you up making you lose your balance and fall over; interrupting your train of thoughts. He walked over to Megatron with the coordinate on his mask.

"You have decoded the next icon coordinate." said Megatron to himself while reading the coordinated on Soundwave's mask but flicking his gaze at you once in a while "excellent Soundwave. Then it's time to beta test out decoy." Turning around to look at a white and orange cylinder that is beeping.

Later on Soundwave took the decoy thing and entered a ground bridge and Megatron enter the other one.

Which leaves you to the medic, Knockout. Who is buffing himself and complaining again.

This might be your only chance to escape from the Nemesis while Knock out is focus on buffing, all you have to do is go to the main control and open a ground bridge that brings you to Jasper Nevada, your home.   


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