Chapter 20

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"You did well." A soft voice said.

You open your optics and looked at who's talking, you saw a (f/c) femme that is very familiar.

"Starlight." you smiled at the sight of your long gone carrier, you walk towards her and you realized your the same height. You look down at your body, you're cybertronian again. Starlight pulled you into a hug, "you did well my sparkling."

"I missed you." you said snuggling into your mother's arms. "where are we?" you asked raising your head up looking around.

"We're at the Allspark.(that's where dead people go right?)" she said giving you a warm smile.

"The allspark....Wait! What happen to team prime? And Optimus?" you asked, speaking very fast."Is he still alive?"

"Calm down. They're fine, follow me." she said holding your servo pulling you with her.

She took you to a massive lake place ad sat down on the lakeside, she tapped one digit on the peaceful surface of the water, waves of rings appeared from where she tapped. Then visions started to appear and sounds.

"Welcome to Earth Ultra Magnus." You heard Optimus's voice. You stared at the lake and you saw all the Autobots plus Ultra Magnus and the humans.

"How-how is-" You asked looking at Starlight a bit speechless, surprised a lake can show visions and sounds. She smiled at you and said "well come to the Allspark (y/c/n). This way you can watch over them, keep in track with them."

"Do you normally?" you ask her pointing towards the lake, she kept smiling and nodded.

You smiled back at her and sat down beside her, watching what is about to became history.

After that day you came to the lake whenever you have time, to see how Earth is going, you met Breakdown the Decepticon medic's partner. You learned that there's no war on the Allspark, What ever happened before it doesn't matter in the afterlife. You soon became friends with him after getting to know him, you two watch over Earth together as he look over his partner. you also meet Cliffjumper, Skyquake and Dreadwing and lots of other bots that you never met before or that died long ago.

Sometimes you'll catch Starlight staring into the lake of Megatron with a sad smile on her face and you would go and comfort her.

You realized you can basically stalk anybot that's still alive, which is creepy but al least you can't effect them. Once you saw Starscream dancing and Knockout trying to buff himself then he tripped over his own leg and fall onto the floor having more scratches on him.

============time skip===============

Lots of things happened between now and then on.

The Decepticons lost the war, Smokescreen changed is paintjob, Bumblebee got his voice back, Knockout joined team prime, they revived Cybertron, Megatron got controlled by Unicron but Megatron returned to who he use to be in the end, Optimus saved him. Starlight's and your wishes came true. And now, Optimus is joining you. Or not.

You looked over to the old Autobot leader who has his back to you,there's a small bot standing next him that is unknown to you. You walked over to Optimus and called out to him. "Hey Optimus. It's good to see you again."

He turned around to you, "It's good to see you too (Y/c/n), (Y/n)." he said with a small smile that's hardly visible.

"Haven't been called (Y/n) in days." you said giving a small laugh.

"Optimus, we got to go." the small blue bot next to him said.

"Just a minute Micronus." Optimus said holding out a hand signaling you to follow him. You two walked a few meters away from Micronus before stopping. "It's easier to talk." He explained.

"Thank you." You said. "For everything." he nodded in understandment of what you're saying.

"I have to thank you too." Starlight said behind you, you jumped by her sudden presence.

"No, I need to thank you. Old friend" Optimus responded to her which she returned with a warm smile and a nod.

"We need to go!!" Micronus screamed at Optimus so he can hear.

He nodded to the two of you and walked back to Micronus.

"Optimus." you called out to him before teleports away. "Bye." he turned around to you and you saw a smile on his face a split second before he disappears.

"Want to go for a drive?" Starlight asked you after Optimus left.

"Sure. " you responded while transforming and driving off, Starlight right behind you. You can feel the wind blew past you smoothly and the feeling of peace and freedom.

After eons of fighting the civil war is finally at an end but, to Cybertron it's only the beginning of a whole new era.   


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