Chapter 2

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A/N: So this is the story that I will be constantly updating, my others will be put on hiatus and this one will be updated at least once every week. I'm doing this, focusing on one story, so that I am at least consistently updating since I've been having issues with that lately. I'm working part time now and I have classes and those two things take priority over fanfiction, especially since this is my last semester at tech and I have 10 000 words to write for that o_O

None the less enjoy :)

Chapter 2

"I like this one, oh but I like that one too... that one is so nice!" Jess gushes as she browses through a rack of handbags. I'd thought we'd make it home free, but no, she'd stopped at about four different places now on our way out of the mall.
     I just wanted this over with, we needed to get to the end of this so we could get to the end of everything. Even if I felt really bad about it, I didn't even really have a reason to be breaking up with her. Not like her list of reasons for breaking up with me way back when.
     Everyone thinks we mutually broke up because the fans were tough on her, well you're not wrong, but you're not a hundred percent right either. The fans were really just the final straw. The main arguing point was that she'd accuse me of having feelings for Kirstie, and I'd always say no. I may have at liked Kirstie at one point, and that point may or may not have been when I happened to be dating Jess. But now that was all water under the bridge, I didn't like Kirstie like that anymore, in fact I am no longer even in contact with her. That's why Jess and I should be working, the thing is I'd kind of forgotten how controlling she could be in our time apart. I didn't like that at all.
     She must have settled on something because before I know it she's tugging at my arm with a purchase in her other hand.
     "Come on let's go!" she pulls harder and I stumble a little as I come to attention and start walking. I also did that way too much, tuned her out completely. You really shouldn't do that with the girl you're dating.

When I pull up outside her house, she leans in to kiss me and I duck away. I duck away so quickly that I smack the back of my head against my door. I clutch at the back of my head wincing. If I had just kissed her that wouldn't have happened and my head wouldn't be throbbing right now.
Jess reaches out to me again, more comfort, and I back away again, more carefully though and her face changes, man does it chance. Now Jess is of course beautiful, I won't deny that, but the face she's wearing right now is quite possibly the thing of nightmares.
     "Hi," I smile sheepishly, trying not to show weakness and slide down in my seat like I really want to.
     "Are you okay?" she asks through clenched teeth, and I know she's not asking about my head, well not in the sense that I just hit it and yes it does still hurt, but more like mentally and I have to say I am not too sure.
      I shrug, watching her carefully.
     "What is the problem Avi?"
     "No problem," I lie, "None," I lie again. Actually I want to break up with you but I'm too scared to tell you that for fear of being murdered. Yep all that in my head, good enough. "I'll see you later," I smile, releasing my head and waving then I lean in to kiss her on the cheek. She looks at me dumbstruck but none the less says bye and gets out of my car.
     I'm a goddamn chicken.

A/N: I'm sorry that was so short, I hadn't realised it was that bad :/ I might update again tomorrow to make up for it seeing as I am a few chapter ahead with this one at the moment.

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Hannah :)

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