Gravity and Black Water

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"I know where I'm going!"

"Are you sure about that?"

Natsu and Lucy were arguing over a map. On the map there were a list of possible locations in which Gildarts was last spotted. Not really wanting to join in on any arguements Mikoto just shouldered her pack silently and followed Natsu and Lucy with Happy sitting on her head.

"Is there any particular reason why you're sitting on my head?" Mikoto asked.

"I can't help it." Happy said. "Your hair is just so soft and confortable. How did you do it?"

Mikoto shrugged. "I just used some of that conditioner that Lucy had.

"But Lucy's hair is nowhere as soft as yours."

Mikoto just sighed and kept on walking. She looked around the area they were walking in. Supposedly this forest was the last place Gildarts was spotted in. It was an ancient forest known simply as the Trees of Life. It had taken a 3 day train ride to get to this forest. After going in for the first time, Mikoto admitted that something definitely felt unnaturally alive about the sky scraper sized trees that surrounded her. It was only thanks to Natsu and Lucy's constant arguing over directions that she wasn't totally freaked out by the surrounding atmosphere. Every once and a while, they would come across an ancient statue standing among the trees covered in moss, the ruby eyes on the statues were unnaturally alive looking as well.

"What kind of freaky job would Gildarts be doing in a place like this?" Mikoto asked.

Happy just shrugged. "All we know is the location he was doing the job in, supposedly he was supposed to meet the client somewhere near here."

Suddenly Lucy stopped walking.

"Eh?" Natsu stopped too. "What's wrong Lucy?"

Lucy looked around the forest. "Anybody feel like we're being watched?"

Mikoto felt it too, It was as if her hairs were standing on end, or maybe that was just the static that tended to crop up around her when she was stressed. The feeling of being watched suddenly turned to instincual survival when she saw one of the statues flying through the air at them at high speeds.

"LOOK OUT!!!" Mikoto concentrated her electric powers, focusing her ability over electromagnetism on all the iron particles in the ground. Immediately a wave of black iron sand came out of the ground and formed a barrier between the statue and Natsu and Lucy. The high speed vibrations from the iron sand immediately obliterated the statue like a paper shredder.

"WOOAAAHH!!" shouted Natsu. "Thats COOL!!"

"Natsu focus!" Lucy shouted.

Suddenly a loud laugh was heard coming from above them. Mikoto looked up to see a man standing on tree branch above them. The man wore large medievel armor and a horned helmet. The mask he wore over his face was shaped like a fanged lion. Gravix looked down at the Fairy Tail members and shook his head.

"Hmmmmm....I cant seem to tell if these are the ones.....let me check!" Gravix brought out a strange wooden badge, on it was a rough wooden cut out of the Fairy Tail emblem. Immediately Mikoto felt a burning sensation on her right shoulder blade, the area where her Fairy Tail tattoo was, proof of her guild membership. She wasnt the only one feeling the strange sensation. Natsu had clutched the tattoo on his right shoulder while Lucy was clutching her hand. Happy seemed to be having a serious case of the back rubs. Immediately the wood cut out badge glowed and the burning sensation stopped. Gravix put the badge back in a tool belt on his waist.

"Well that's one issue solved." said Gravix casually. "Now to the hard part..... Now can someone tell me which one among you is a wizard who uses thunder magic?"

A Railgun in Fairy Tail, Book 1: Shocking BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now