Lesson 2: Hands free.

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*So I had posted this already bit people were like what you haven't updated but i updated on my phone so this was before the A/N. Anyway, I toned this down ALOT, like a lot. Anyway enjoy for the Second time. lol.*

After yesterday's lesson Angela wanted to know when her punishment was coming, and what was going to be. She had climaxed twice and Matt hadn't done anything yet. Angela stirred awake trying to stretch her hands and legs only to find the bound together. Hands behind her back and legs tied together. Angela was a very heavy sleepier, especially after last night I'm sure you would be too. She tried to twist and turn hoping it would loosen the ropes or anything, but it just resulted in her falling off the bed. Groaning in pain she decided she'd yell for Matthew to see what the hell was going on. Just as she was about to yell she saw Matthew out the corner of her eye, leaning against the door frame just smirking down at her.

"Morning princess. How are we feeling?" Angela scoffed and rolled her eyes,

"Oh just fine, except for the fact that I'm fucking tied up on the floor!"

"You would have been tied up on the bed if you would have rolled around so much." He walked over to her and attempted to move the hair out if her face, which made Angela jerk her head the other way,

"Don't touch me. Just untie me so I can punch you in the face." Glaring, trying to intimidate him, you can't be very intimidating while you're tied up. Now can you?

"Miss. Simmons, you wouldn't do that know would you? This pretty face has places to be." He leaned down and picked up Angela bridal style caring her back to the bed. "Like in between your legs." He whispered in her ear, sending chills down her spine. Matthew new what he was doing, when he said things to her, that's why he said them. It just helps that they're all true. Angela swallowed the lump in her throat,

"Why am I tied up?"

"Punishment." Shit. "And lesson two."

"What's lesson two?"

"Hands free and patience."


"Exactly princess."


Matthew's fingertips were slowly grazing over Angela's skin. Barely touching her leaving a feather like feeling. He would run them up her sides, over her bottom along her breasts. Along the sweet spot on her neck, almost sending over the edge. Anytime she begged or whimpered it would add on to her punishment. Every two lessons there would be a punishment. Lesson 1-2, punishment. Lesson 3-4, punishment, so on and so forth.


"W-what?" Matthew's hands started to roam her body, caressing, squeezing every inch of her,

"Why are you so quite princess? I said you have to be patient not quite."

"You said not to, uh whimper and b-beg." His hands moved up her stomach, gliding in between and over her breasts. Taking her nipples in between his thumb and index finger, gently rolling and tugging them. Angela arched her back and moaned in pleasure, she quickly bit her lip not wanting to make a noise and upset Matthew.

"I didn't say you couldn't moan." Matthew's hands traveled down Angela's stomach tracing a finger around her navel, down to her sex and slowly entered a finger into her. He added another finger and started to pump in and out if her, Angela couldn't hold back her moans, she didn't want to either. He started to kiss and suck from her collar bone to her ear, "Your moans are so beautiful, I wanna hear you scream my name."

She closed her thighs tighter together hoping it would make him stop, but I just made him pump faster. She didn't want to climax, she didn't wanna seem weak. She had worked so had on yesterday's lesson she wanted to show Matthew what she could do. Or couldn't do. (Bondage joke/pun. lolol. No? Ok. Sorry.)

Matthew felt Angela's walls clenching around his fingers, he knew she was going to come, he wanted her to, he wanted to taste her, lick her clean and make her come all over again until she was shaking, but Angela wasn't budging, she wanted to prove she could hold it, even if it meant she would have sexual pleasure or release she'd have pleasure of giving Matthew a taste of his own medicine. It took Matthew a few seconds maybe minutes to finally register what Angela was doing. He was a little upset, but mostly proud of her, even though it wasn't exactly the right time to use the lesson, she still did. Flawlessly. Matthew removed his fingers from a sweating, panting Angela, and just looked at her in awe. Her beauty, how amazing she looked at the moment. The ropes hugging her body, in his eyes she was perfect. And for her to do this for him made her a goddess. All this seemed so natural for her, yeah there was a few bumps in the road and confusion but how would you feel if you just had to jump into a BDSM relationship? Exactly.

Matthew finally spoke,

"Why are you so stubborn?" He asked hovering over her body, propped up on his forearms. Angela just looked at him, trying to figure out how to answer him,

"What do you mean 'Why are you so stubborn?' If I wasn't stubborn we wouldn't have fun would we?" Matthew smirked at her answer, knowing how true it was. If she never put up a fight, or just didn't listen where would the fun be? There'd be no punishments, it would just be the same thing over and over again.

He brushed a few pieces of her hair out of he eyes, and left feather kisses from her lips to her ear,

"You never cease to amaze me Angela. You're perfect."

Angela froze, she's received complements before, everything under the sun from beautiful to sexy. No ones ever called her perfect before. No ones ever sounded as genuine as he did. The way he said it made her heart skip a beat. It made her feel.. Insecure.

"Untie me. Please." Angela had her eyes closed to keep tears from streaming her eyes. She didn't know why she felt that way, as soon as he said those two words she felt so vulnerable. She never felt beautiful, no matter how many times you said it, but when he said it, it just did something to her. Matthew just pulled her into his chest and let her cry, he rubbed circles on her back and tried to comfort her. He didn't know what he had said to upset her so much.

"Angela, I'm so-"

"I don't know if I can do this."


A/N:Whoop, whoop! I kinda brought it down a little bit, buuuuuut! Guess what? Y'all go a cliffhanger, I don't think I've ever really done that before? 'Round of applause? No? Alright. I'm gonna go more into Angela & Matt's past in the next chapter and stuff, and all that. So you guys can get more insight on them and stuff. OMG, you guys 1D looked so cute on snl, my bb's. Anyway love you guys!

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