Chapter one

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I thought I was going mad.
Every time there was a reflective surface, I'd get a glimpse of his face, stood behind me, then he'd be gone. That face had haunted me for months.
But it was such a handsome face.
Strong cheekbones under creamy pale skin, tousled black hair which was roguishly long, thin lips and the greenest eyes I'd ever seen.
So handsome, yet so infuriating.

I lent over the sink where I was washing my face and stopped to assess my own reflection in the mirror.
I had tanned skin with pixie-like features, full lips and dark hair that fell in unruly curls - much like my Latina grandmother. Then there were my eyes, which my mother had always called 'expressive', due to them being round and dark.

The face was in the mirror again.

I turned suddenly, expecting for him to vanish, as he always had.

But he stayed.
He was stood, in my bathroom, making the place look considerably better.
But still, he was a stranger in my house.
So I did what was rational.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE!?" I screamed, grabbing the bottle of shampoo off the counter and throwing it at him.
He ducked, laughing, so I decided to escape whilst he was preoccupied.

I dashed out of the bathroom and locked the door from the outside. With my ear to the door, I tried to hear any activity.


"I apologise for alarming you, darling," came a soft voice from my bedroom, "but I believe you could have refrained from assaulting me." A chuckle followed.

"Who are you?" I called tentatively, while reaching for the baseball bat I had left in the hall earlier.

"How rude of me - I am Loki, of Asgard. And do you like to be called anything other than 'darling'? I would love to see how your name forms on my tongue." Replied the sultry voice.

"I'm Caroline."

"Lady Caroline, a fitting name for one which intends to attack a god with a bat - your name to connotations to strength in Italian, did you know that?" He sauntered around the door as he spoke, giving me the opportunity to properly see what this man looked like.

He was wearing loose-fitting black trousers with a green buttonless shirt of some kind, and nothing on the feet. He stood tall, maybe a whole foot taller than my 5'2 frame, and had a muscular yet lithe body.

"N-no, I didn't." I stuttered.

He smiled at me, amused. "Lady Caroline, I intend you no harm. I sincerely give my apologies for causing you distress as of late. Please, bear no ill will towards me." Though I hadn't noticed at first, I realised I had been so hypnotised while he was speaking that he was stood close enough for me to bump into him if I stepped forward, and the bat was now in his hand.

"There will be no need for this," he said as he carelessly flung the bat to the other end of the hall.

"No offence, but I kind of want to kill you," I said bluntly, "you've driven me mad - I think I see you then you're gone. Why would you do that?"

He sighed empathetically, "I apologise, darling. I could only transport myself to your world for brief moments, and even then only in reflective form. At the time, I was going through a bit of family trouble, which required my upmost attention. But, my battle has passed. I have no reason to be there, but have every reason to be here."

He cupped the back of my head and pulled me close to him, stooping down so our foreheads rested against each other.

"Lady Caroline," he whispered, his voice husky, "I cannot promise you eternity. I cannot promise you my love, or my faith. However, I can promise you one night, where you will feel pleasure unlike any another could offer you, and scream my name for the world to hear who brings you such pleasure," He paused at my sudden intake of breath and chuckled. "Tell me - is that what you want?"

"I don't know," I whispered, breathless.

"Do you wish for me to leave, or to convince you?"

"Convince me."

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