Chapter three

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I slowly stood, and he mirrored my action.
"Is something wrong?" I asked, trying to ignore the bitter sting his rejection had caused.

He ran his fingers through his hair and muttered, "I give my apologies, but a lady should not have her virtue stolen so clumsily."

I stared him down, the blush rising in my cheeks. How could he know I was inexperienced? No one else ever assumed I was still a 'girl' in the traditional sense. It wasn't like I looked young - I'd had an adult figure since I was fifteen, and people had assumed adult experiences came with it...

"I do not mean to cause you discomfort," he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I could not sense the innocence about you at first, and thought you reciprocated my lust. Nothing would have occurred had I been more careful."

I suddenly saw red.

"Careful!?" I spat. "If you were more 'careful', then maybe you would have realised that I did in fact want you." I frowned at my sounding so desperate, but he just gave a cocky predatory grin.  

"You wanted me?"

"Not now, shitface!" I muttered, turning away from him.

I felt embarrassed, and confused, and uncomfortable. I just wanted him to go away, so I could have a Bridget Jones moment, with sobbing, ice-cream and dramatic television.
I could sense Loki softly walking behind me. Then I felt one muscular arm wrap around my waist, and his other hand placed below my chin, turning my face towards him.
I complied, I saw how his emerald eyes searched my face, as if he was looking for some kind of hidden meaning.

"Lady Caroline?"


He paused. "Would - would you be disgusted by the idea of me courting you?"

I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing.

I had tears streaming down my face, arms around my stomach as the laughs kept coming, and never dying down due to Loki's confused face still in view.

"May I inquire as to what has amused you to this extent?" He asked, starting to smirk at me.

"It's just - I mean - oh my god - no one courts people - and - it was very - unexpected," I manage to say between giggles.

A sudden thought hits me, and I sober up. "Does that mean you don't want to do - it - with me anymore?"
I feel slightly odd asking, as if I'm letting him know how much I want him.

Loki grins, and pulls me into him. "On the contrary, Lady Caroline," he drawls, nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. "I will be the one to take your virtue. In fact, if any other tried to relish in your discovered body, I would be forced to ensure they discovered death." He states, 'matter-of-factly'. "However, I will take my time to know you before anything should occur."

"Why would you want to do that?" I asked, confused at his declaration.

"Because, darling, I like to know my toys before playing with them."

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