Desires Finally Shown

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" so you were this close to kissing" Didier asked while we sat and ate breakfast. It was Monday morning and the boys were back with their father, and today was back to work for me. Didier had been with his girlfriend all weekend so I hadn't had the chance to tell him about my Date with Marshall, which I haven't been able to stop thinking about all weekend.

" yep until the boys started arguing and scared the crap out of us" I replied while gathering my things up, I was happy but also very nervous to see Marshall today, I didn't want things to be awkward with us but with Marshall you never know what mood he will be in. After I answered all of Didier's questions I knew I couldn't hold of any longer and that I was time to face the studio and see if Marshall will be ignoring me and stand offish or if he will be like he was on Friday.

Luckily there were less people than usual, Royce was still here but Fifty and all of his entourage had gone back to New York. The BET awards were coming up on Thursday so we will all catch up with Dre while we are in LA.

" Hey guys, here are your coffees" I said as I gave each of the 5 guys that were here today their coffees, I know most of them were Royce's friends and they had been here before. It was nice to actually have a day where the studio wasn't as crowded as it has been these last couple of weeks. It has been stressful especially on Marshall who also has a number 1 album out.

" hey is Marshall in his office?" I asked Royce as I gave him his coffee, he gave me a cheeky smile while nodding, obviously he knew that Marshall and I had a thing going on and that we went on a date on Friday, I just shook my head while walking of towards his office trying to stop the giggling from coming out of my mouth, Royce was just like Fifty he was immature most of the times but he also knew when to be mature.

I knocked on the door quietly before hearing him say come in, that was when My heart really started beating. I walked in and saw him leaning on his desk looking down at the floor, it was like he was thinking about something, or trying to figure something out, he didn't even notice that I had come into his office.

" Marshall" I asked questioning of it was a bad time or something, I didn't want to disturb him if he was in the middle of something important. As much as we were friendly outside of work while we are in the studio work came first.

" OH Sarah I didn't even know you had arrived yet" he looked shocked that I was standing in front of him with his coffee, I don't know why he was so shocked it was the same time I always come in when I work with him in the studio.

" is everything okay" I questioned as I placed the coffee on the table, when I got closer to him he got up quickly and walked straight past me without answering me, he looked he was leaving the room

" yeah I was just thinking about something" he said softly with his back turned to me, I was wondering why he was in this weird mood, I thought we got past this point. That's when I realised he wasn't leaving the room he was actually closing the office door for some reason,My mind automatically started to wander to negative thoughts.

" thinking about what?" I asked worried that he was going to start having the conversation that everyone hates, the conversation where he tells me that he thought Friday was nice but we couldn't take it any further. I know we are meant to be taking it slow and anytime he wanted to pull out that was fine but I thought he would wait a little longer and see what happens.

He just turned around and stared at me as I looked into his eyes, I could see his expression was intense and strong, I had never seen him like this for a moment I even thought he was going to start yelling or abusing me.

But before I could even think about it any longer ,he suddenly stepped forward pulling me into an embrace and kissing me passionately. At First I was a bit taken back by his actions but that's when I realised that this is what I wanted to happen last Friday and what I have wanted to do for so long. The guy that I liked was finally kissing me, it wasn't a full on pash with tongue it was just a nice gentle lips to lips kiss but in some way I could still tell it was a hungry kiss.

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