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Marshall P.O.V

Me: YO, this better be really important Papers since its wrecking my personal time.

Paul: sorry, hopefully this wont take to long so you can get back to Sarah.

Me: haha hang On, What????

Paul: Come on Marshall, I am your bloody manager and I'm not dumb. I know you and Sarah are seeing each other.

Me: Since when?

Paul: Since the night you decided to stay at Sarah's hotel after Dre's party. Since being your manager for so long I have a few contacts within the Paparazzi and well someone rang me to warn me that a few people had spotted Eminem up in one of the suites with a very attractive girl. It only took a few seconds to guess who the woman was.

Me: Well, well didn't know you were so clever and here I thought I was good at sneaky round. So I'm guessing you were the one who leaked my transaction page for the other hotel I was meant to be staying out, in order to distract them.

Paul: Now your catching on. I have known from the start that there was some kind of chemistry between you to, but I wasn't going to say anything until I knew for sure it was going somewhere.

Me: I know this probably sounds really corny, but Man I cant believe how much I am falling in love with this chick, it scares me a little.

Paul: Marshall this is a huge step forward for you, just go with it and sees where it takes you. Sarah seems like a woman that has a lot of Morals and self Respect, nothing like those other girls you have dated. I think this is defiantly a good thing for you, I've already notice a change in you.

Me: Yeah I think your right, she is defiantly not like any other woman I have dated, she keeps surprising me.

Paul: well instead of talking, I think I should allow you to finish these papers so you can go back to her.

Me: yeah that would be good.

Paul: alright well I will pick the papers up tomorrow

Me: Alright see you tomorrow.

Hanging up I was eager to finish the last bit of these Papers, knowing Sarah was upstairs. I didn't care if she was going to be asleep, I just wanted to be with her, to have her in my arms again. Seeing the sadness that occurred when she found out that I had to finish the papers made me feel so bad and worthless but seeing how she put on a happy face just to show me that everything was okay made me really see that she accepted that fact that my work sometimes does come into my free time. Its good because in the past some of my dates would straight up tell me to do it later and to finish pampering them before anything else, but with Sarah she allowed me to put my work first as much as I hated it, but the sadness she first displayed was just a sign that she wasn't one that was going to accept excuses all the time, she showed me that she wasn't always going to be seconds choice compared to me work.

Finally my work was finish and I was exhausted as I walked back up to the bedroom, I am happy to see the light Is still shining through in my bedroom. Opening the door I see Sarah fast asleep underneath the covers, obviously she had gotten tired from working on her Laptop that was beside her, I don't blame her the papers took ages to fill out, by the time I had finished it was already 1am, so much for it only taking 10 minutes, instead it took an hour. The worst part about it all was before Paul even rang to wreck my night, I was sexually aroused and hot for Sarah and excited for spending my night with her, so Imagine how turned on and excited I am now, but I know Its not right for me to wake Sarah up because I need to release some of this sexual feelings. That's not what being in a relationship is about, you don't just use their bodies for your sexual pleasure they need to be into it as well, groupies are what you use for your own Sexual Pleasure, but since I'm in amazing relationship I don't need or want to have meaningless sex with groupies.

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