YOUR A NEKO...~Chapter 2~Marco's POV

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Crap he found out that I'm a neko!

"Your a neko.!" Tom says yelling a little bit. "Yes I am so leave me alone." I say to him and walk away and he grabs me and I try to pull away but he has a tight grip on my arm.

"Don't leave please." Tom says to me and I want to run away but I might just like him but I'm not going to tell him that at all. "Why you are probably tell everyone that I'm a neko so I'm leaving." I yell at him by accident.

"I-I-I-I'm s-sorry f-for yelling at yo-you." I tell him and walk away. "It's fine just can you stay up here with me.?" He says to me and I listen and sit down next to him. "Why did I just sit down beside him am I turning into what my mom and dad told me not to do...FALL IN LOVE.!" I yell/thinks to myself.

He puts his hand on my head and pets my head and I accidentally purr. "Crap did I just fucking purr.!!!" I yell in my head and feel like my face get hot. "Am I blushing shit.!!" I yell again in my head.

"Hehe you just purred." Tom says laughing a little bit but a playful laugh. "N-no I-I d-did n-not." I stutter and turn red.

"Yes you did you know you can trust me with your little secret right." Tom says to me and I look at him. "Can I really trust him.?" I think but I look at him and turn red. "Y-you pr-promise th-that yo-you will not tell anyone.?" I say to him stuttering. "Yes I promise I will not tell anyone cross my heart hope to die if I lie I will have to swallow a thousand needles." He says and I look at him and smiles. "Th-thank you." I say to him and smiles more.

~time skip to last class~
"It's finally the last class and I'm still getting called gay boy, fag, gay it is always new names with these guys and I hat it but I don't really care anymore because I have heard them so much." I think to myself. The teacher is talking about some stupid stuff again and I don't really care but I try not to let my thoughts overcome the teacher.

"It would be nice to have one day that no one called me gay boy and fag it would be nice but it will never happen." I think and the teacher say some quick thing and then the bell rings. We all get up and leave but me of course I have to take the stuff to the office and stuff then get food for me and go home to a quiet house with no one there at all.

I take the stuff to the office and put it down on the table and walk away and see Tom or the "Devil Prince" standing at my locker and thankfully I don't need to go to my locker so I just keep walking.

"Hey Marco wait up.!" Tom yells for me but I keep my head down and keep walking. "Marco please wait up.!" He yell again for me so I stop and look at him and he smiles. "Thank you for finally stopping." He says. "Your welcome now what do you want." I say a little harsh to him because I'm in a bad mood.

"I wanted to talk to you and also what's wrong with you." He says and I look at him with shock someone actually cares. "Nothing I'm fine okay now can I get home." I say to him with a tear in my eye but thank god he does not see. "There is something wrong I know there is.

"He says worried about me. "I said nothing is wrong now leave me alone .!!" I yell and run off with tears in my eyes and get somewhere that I think tom is not around me and cry till I can't no more.

"Marc...." He stops his sentence when he see me crying and runs to me hugging me. I look shocked that he is hugging me but I just sit there crying my eyes out. "Marco what's wrong please tell me.?!" He says sounding really worried now.

"I said nothing." I say to him and he stops hugging me. "There is something wrong because 1. Your crying, 2. Your not as happy as you usually are." He say to me and I look at him shoved he actually cares for me.

"People are calling me names a-and I can't t-take I-it anymore." I cry harder and he hugs me tight and we fall to the floor and I'm on top of him and I cry on his shoulder as he hugs me thigh. "Marco that's all you had to say I'm worried for you I don't want you to be sad okay." He looks at me smiling a bit then hugs me again and his hand is on my head and one to around my back.

I shake my head yes that I understand him and cry more. Finally after like 10 minutes of me crying he got me to calm down. "Marco I need to ask you something.

"What is it Tom.?" I ask still a little teary and smile as best as I can for him. "I was wondering if ummm well would you like to go out with me.!" He says and he turns red and I also turn red because I have never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before.

"Umm well umm s-sure." I say not really sure because I have seen people that have girlfriends and boyfriends get into fights a lot and don't really like each other and I really really like him so i don't want that to happen.

"Yay Marco I'm so happy I really really like you and I wanted to ask you that sense I saw you but I never had the guts to." He says with his face still red but he smiles brightly. "I have liked you sense I saw you to but I was the unpopular one and you were the popular one so I could have never said that to you.

"I say to him a little sad. "Don't be sad Marco okay I love you so much." He says kissing my cheek and my face turns red and he giggles. "Your adorable." He says with his big bright smile. "N-no I-I'm n-not." I stutter knowing what he is going to say to me. "Yes you are and you always will be." He says back. I knew he was going to say something like that.

He kisses me on the lips and closes his eyes but me on the other hand have my eyes wide open and shocked he is kissing me and he stops. I turn red and he looks at me like why are you red.

"I just had my first kiss with someone more importantly with Tom."
I hope you liked the second chapter of this book and I hope you like this book so far and enjoyed it I will also be making more of my billdip story soon so stay in tuned and if you have anymore ideas you want me to add in my next chapter of one of these books please tell me and hope you liked it bye.

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