15. bomb

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Bomb (noun): a container filled with explosive or incendiary material, designed to explode on impact or when detonated by a timing, proximity, or remote-control device.


Everyone was crowded around, watching as a dead girl was laid beside Derek outside the door of the Dropship.

"Alright everyone, shows over. Get back to your posts." I stated.

People started to disperse slowly and I walked closer to Clarke, but still kept my distance.

"You got enough food in there? Water?" I asked.

"Yeah. Some medicine might be nice." She said weakly.

"I'll see what I can do." I played along, chuckling.

She turned to go and a thought crossed my mind.

"Octavia are you okay?" I yelled out and waited for her reply.

It didn't come.

I scrunched my nose and walked forward.

"Bellamy wait." Clarke turned to face me with a guilty expression on her face that made my stomach clench.

"She's not here, I sent her to see Lincoln." She told me and I felt like all the air had fled my lungs.

"Look, If there's a cure, he has it. I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let her go." She explained and I felt the anger slide down my back.

"There is no cure." I spat at her. Realization filled her eyes.

"Did she tell you that? How do you know that she's telling you the truth? She's a grounder, Bellamy." Clarke shot back.

"Her name is Luna." I growled and Clare raised her eyebrows at me.

"If anything happens to Octavia, you and me are gonna have problems." I stalked away towards the water trough.

Clarke called after me but I wasn't listening. A boy blocked the way.

"Out of my way." I ordered.

He turned around and I looked into eyes that were crying dark red blood.

"Dude your eyes!" Someone exclaimed.

"Don't touch anyone." Another boy aimed his gun.

"Get to the Dropship." I said slowly and calmly.

The boy moved swiftly but more cries were being heard. A girl had collapsed, vomiting blood over everyone around her, people were aiming guns at innocent people and everyone was screaming.

We had descended into chaos.

Suddenly multiple shots went off, the sound coming from the Dropship. Everyone fells silent and I whipped around to see that it was Clarke who had fired the shots at the sky.

"This is exactly what the grounders want. Don't you see that? They don't have to kill us if we kill each other." She called out, panting slightly from the exertion on her already weakened state.

"They don't have to kill us if we all catch the virus. Now get back in the damn Dropship!" A boy boomed, aiming his gun at Clarke.

A spark of anger rushed through me. Despite Clarke and I fighting a lot of the time, she was my friend. A stalked forward and ripped the gun from his hands, pushing the butt of it into his nose for effect.

"Not to state the obvious, but your quarantine isn't really working." I told her.

Clarke blew the breath from her lips and the act caused her to collapse. Finn rushed forward to catch her.

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