2. stay

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1. remain in the same place.
"i'm gonna stay with you"

2. remain in a specified state or position.
"to stay in love with you"


It was breathtaking. The arc was like an iron fist rising up and out of the earth, it's gleaming metal a stark contrast to the forests around it. It seemed unfathomable to me that this monstrosity could've ever been airborne, could've ever lived in space.

But it's true. And now it's here, cracked open to reveal a buzzing nest of sky people.

The guards pulled us from the treeline and into the scorching sun, into the line of fire. There were sky people crawling all over the place, moving things into place but when we approached, everyone stopped what they were doing to look at us, or more specifically me. It didn't take a genius to know that I was different to the others, that I wasn't one of them. Also the fact that the had me in chains didn't help.

I was shoved roughly forward, toward the entrance of the ship- an obvious display of power to the onlookers. It made my eyes roll but I complied all the same, I don't want them to think I'm a danger to them.

I couldn't help my curiousity as we entered the arc. It was strangely beautiful the way the metal had warped and twisted to form the high arching corrdiors. I almost was too busy admiring to notice that they were pulling Bellamy and I in different directions, down different corridors.

Panic suddenly clawed at my heart.

"Wait what? Where are you taking her?" Bellamy's voice cried out behind me and I turned to see his distressed face turned toward me too.

"That's really none of your concern, Bellamy." The leader they called Kane spoke up.

"The hell it is! Where are you taking her?" He shouted, fighting against the guards, but there were too many of them and he was too weak after what he'd been through.

"To her cell. Where she'll stay and we'll be safe." Kane barked back.

Ouch, that one stung.

"Safe? You have no idea what you're talking about! Luna!" He cried out, straining to keep me in eyesight, as the guards fought to get us around the corner.

I didn't say anything, I was smart enough to know that I needed to keep my mouth shut if they were ever going to see me as anything other than an enemy. But that didn't stop me from straining against their hold to catch a glimpse of him one last time before we rounded the corner and I was thrown into what they called my cell which was a small room off of the corridor with doors that locked with final 'clink'.

And that's where I stayed, for a very long time. I tried to hold on to time but I couldn't. I lost track after the first day or the second. I'm not sure. I just accepted the loss of time and let my mind wander- too often to Bellamy and what everything meant, our almost kiss replaying over and over in my head.

It seemed as if both years and no time at all had passed when the doors opened and Kane walked in. I was bound to the chair against the wall but he still brought two guards with him.

"Okay, grounder. I need you to answer a couple questions." He began, his words ringing with finality. It was an order.

"Bellamy has given us all the intell he can but we're still in the dark about where we stand here. We need you to shed some light." He continued, pulling up a chair.

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