5. insanity

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1. the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.

"He suffered from insanity"

2.extreme foolishness or irrationality.

"It was insanity"



We pulled apart and his brown eyes assured me he was okay, comforted me.

"We have to take cover from the acid fog." Finn reminded us, capturing my attention and breaking the spell. But just before we were able to, a voice I had never in a million years expected to hear, sounded over the clearing.


Octavia Blake, stumbling toward us, Acid Fog horn in hand, grinning like an idiot. She looked like hell, she looked like a grounder. With her hair braided back off her face, a face that was smudged with dirt and blood and her clothes ripped, she looked positively feral.

"No we don't" Bellamy breathed and I realised what Octavia had done. She had saved us.

"Octavia." Bellamy choked out before she flung herself into his arms and I watched, throat thick as they reunited.

When they pulled apart, Octavia's eyes flickered over the mess that was our little group and stopped on me, the biggest mess of them all.

"Luna." She said my name so sweetly I didn't trust myself to speak. I didn't trust myself not to cry, so I went to her and clasped her shoulder. She laughed and knocked my hand away, drawing me in for a soul-trembling embrace.

When she drew back, her next target fixed in her gaze, the arrow in Monroe's leg and at once she moved to help her.

Bellamy moved to my side as Octavia busied herself with the arrow.

"Her shoulder's dislocated." He told me and I moved my attention to Mel, the girl we had just saved.

There was never a moment to stop and appreciate, we could only keep moving forward and hope not to die along the way. So, I too sprung into action.

I approached the girl tentatively, reaching for her shoulder, my eyes a silent question. She nodded, her eyes wide and trusting.

"Dislocated." I told her after carefully cutting away her shirt from her shoulder and examining the bone. Her chest trembled.

"I'm no healer, but I've set a shoulder before and watched enough to know how." I told her and her sweet face crumpled in confusion.

"What station were you from, on the arc?" She asked as I readied the sling.

I looked at Bellamy who was standing to the side, his brown eyes guarded. He nodded in encouragement.

"I'm not from the arc." I replied and she gasped, flinching away from me.

I grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

"I am Luna of Trikru and I am going to help you, Mel." I told her fiercely and although it took her a moment, she nodded.

I moved my grip to her forearm and nodded toward Bellamy.

"Hold her other hand." I ordered him and her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

"I don't need-" she began but I cut her off. "Don't be brave. This is going to hurt like a bitch."

She grabbed his hand and in a fowl crunch that made her scream, I moved the bone back into place. Bellamy tucked her arm into the sling and tied the knot as I focused on Monroe was arrow-less and Octavia who was bandaging her up.

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