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"You bastard!" Mori greets Nocturne upon his entrance. "I knew from the stories that you were cruel and it's a well known fact that us humans aren't considered much above insects if even that, but what you did..." Mori is so angry she can barely speak and if she could she would be throwing things at Nocturne.

"What are you talking about this time Mori?" Nocturne asks unconcernedly. He just casually walks in and takes a seat on the bed next to Mori.

When he tries to hold her Mori moves away. "Don't you touch me." She scrambles off the bed and moves to the kitchen sink, as far away from him as she can get. She now has missiles ready to hand and starts launching them at the smug vampire sitting on her bed.

"How dare you! You take two innocents and have them commit incest to fuel your sick and twisted desires! What the hell is wrong with you? You and all your kind are nothing more than sick and twisted monsters." Mori starts getting light headed as realization settles on her, she's carrying the next generation of monster inside her. 

She drops to her knees and starts dry heaving. At this Nocturne's smug and superior look fades and concern replaces it. She is far too sick to be riling up like she has been. He moves to go help her. "Don't come near me Nocturne." Her words are cold and final. "I don't want you to touch me."

"Whether you want me to or not doesn't matter Mori. You seem to forget that you are mine to do with as I see fit." Nocturne says coldly as he takes her in his arms and sends a healing burst through her. "You are carrying my children and although you are acting like a bitch I will let it pass as it is well known the human hormones are messed up during pregnancy."

Nocturne lays her down on the bed but doesn't move away. Caressing her cheek he lowers his voice, "I have never made it a secret, it's a well known fact that I'm a bastard. Both cruel and capricious. You've known that from the beginning." 

Nocturne's anger urges him to hit the woman before him but he finds himself instead taking her lips. When he's done with the kiss his anger is no less. "I am the king of the vampire Mori. No one denies me what I want." His smile is cold even as his touch brings her heat. "I've killed vampire of high station for less than what you've said to me today. I may not be able to punish you directly due to this damn bond, but there are other ways."

Her words stop him cold. "You already have. I live knowing you only remain because of me, they are being punished because I exist. The hell my life was before is nothing to how it is now." And not even Mori's massive control can keep the tear from falling.

It had never been Nocturne's intention to actually cause her pain, not even emotional pain. He needs her to survive for him to survive and if she hurts emotionally this bad then her chances lessen considerably.

"I am who I am. I've been alive for centuries Mori, I can't change who I am. What would you have me do?" Nocturne finds himself saying. Inside he's so astonished that he stills waiting for her answer.

"Leave." Mori's answer is short and succinct.

"Should I do that you and my children would die." Nocturne refuses. "And need I remind you that if you die than so do I? The first thing my brother would do on assuming the throne would be destroying this lovely valley and all who live here. Just to make sure that no one else dares to hide from him.

"I am cruel. I am a bastard. I enjoy blood, screams and death, especially that of my enemies." Nocturne caresses her face again. "The special plans I have for my brother and his allies aren't something someone like you would be able to comprehend. And I'm sure what my brother has planned for me and mine would keep you up for the rest of your life because of nightmares.

"I can't change, don't want to change, because if I did change I and many hundreds of vampire would die. And Mori, if you think the humans wouldn't pay the price you can think again. Thousands of humans would die if he takes the throne. Every thing I am my brother is worse and he despises humans and the necessity of using them for food.

"I told you what I did to his human? Well she actually got off easy. Once my brother was done with her he would have done far worse to her. I've found broken bodies of women littering his homes. The things I generally reserve for the vampire he does to humans on a regular basis." Nocturne takes his caress from her face all the way down to her chest.

"Those kids you are so upset about? Because of them this valley is safe. Yes, I had them fuck each other. But I only caused it the first time. They seem to enjoy being with each other. The energy I get from them fucking is incredible. 

"I can't figure out this valley. How can people still remain so innocent when life fucks them over so much? The girl is carrying her brother's bastard inside her, yet she remains innocent in all matters other than sexual, as does he. Just like you. 

"You remain innocent. You're blood remains pure although you've been abused, bullied and sullied by vampire blood.

"I cannot leave this valley for any length of time Mori. If I should leave for more than a couple of days the protections surrounding this valley would weaken and you would be found."

Nocturne rips her top leaving her skin open to the air. When the cool air hits her breasts Mori could feel her nipples harden.

Nocturne smiles at her bodies response. He continues to touch her as he talks. "I will leave the villagers alone Mori. No more killing, no more forcing them to my pleasure..."

Mori can't believe what he's saying but then she thinks about what he's not saying. "What do I have to do in return?" She manages to get out before the pleasure of his touch overwhelms her.

"Nothing. It will be my gift to you. I will give you back your cabin, your land and the village. However, I and those I deem worthy will be allowed to continue feeding from the villagers. But not to the point of death.

"I will also take the children that find love in each other to one of my homes where they will serve me and be able to have their child and any future children without shame.

"Knowing that the parents need the help of their children I will send two male helpers to replace them. They will be here tomorrow. As for payment, that will come from me as well." Nocturne says as he plays with Mori's body.

But Mori isn't lost in his touch like he thought she might be. "Why?"

Her question stuns Nocturne. He's not used to having anyone question him or his motives before. If he's generous they thank him and leave as quickly as they can before he changes his mind. If he's not then they are usually too busy screaming in pain to even think let alone question him.

"You know Mori, I don't really know why. I just want to isn't that enough?" Nocturne says as he removes the remaining clothes between them. He positions himself over Mori.

"You give things so easily and take them too. Now you give me, but how long until you take it all away again?"

"Once I gift something, unless I am betrayed that gift remains given.  I won't be taking back my gifts to you Mori." With that he enters her and there is no more talking for several hours.

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