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Nocturne takes to the skies and revels in the feeling of flying. Being with Mori like he has been has kept him more or less grounded and he hadn't realize just how much he's missed flying. It's full on dark, time for the vampire hunt. Perhaps Dvis doesn't know or perhaps he never knew that Nocturne was considered the best hunter of the vampire's easily beating his brother. Easily beating them all, he just didn't have time to enjoy his favorite past time since his brother started the civil war.

One by one Nocturne finds and captures the vampires. He sends them home after telling them that Mori has been found and is safe. Then each vampire nods and returns to his own home or preferred location. This continues until just one remains.

The cruel smile that slides onto his face would have chilled Dvis's heart if he could see it. Nocturne is just as happy that Mori can't, but he can't hide his feelings of anticipation. Twenty minutes left of the time limit Mori gave him.

Nocturne has already located him and decides to have some fun. Someone trusted with Mori's location cannot be allowed to turn traitor. Anyone daring to betray him better be willing to suffer the consequences, even if it's just talk.

Nocturne flies down and startles Dvis. He takes off again when Dvis goes to investigate. He does this several times making Dvis more than a little paranoid. Then he decides to add in some wounds when he does his startling. Finally his time has run out and he just takes his prey to the cave Mori had told him about.

"Dvis, you failed me." Nocturne says shaking his head as he enters the absolute blackness of the cave. Not even his keen vampiric sight can penetrate this darkness. "This will do nicely, yes indeed." He calls forth a flashlight to light his way. And it's a good thing he does because the path is treacherous and difficult to traverse even with light. He wonders how and why Mori used this cave. And he wonders how Mori could possibly know Dvis's weakness is being blind. He's not even going to have to tie Dvis up, and just by taking the light away Dvis's torture will already begin. He'll be nice and ready by the time he returns from his dinner with Mori.

"Be a good boy now, Dvis. I'll be back later to deal with your treachery. I thought you were supposed to be my best hunter? And yet a mere human, your queen by the way, outclassed you. She heard your treasonous speech and returned to tell me. I have to admit I doubted her abilities as a hunter, but after tonight not so much." Nocturne caresses the vampire's face as he croons. "I had hoped for better sport from you. Oh well, when I get back we'll have some real fun. But for now I am hungry." And with that Nocturne drinks enough to seriously weaken the vampire but not enough for him to die.

Nocturne shudders, "Well I'm glad I didn't offer your blood to Mori it tastes awful. Just what the hell do you eat? You know what never mind, enjoy the dark thinking about how my brother would be a far better king than I. One thing you've got right about him, he's far more vicious than I. He has no mercy. Of course that seems to be what you want in a king. Just think about living under a regime like that for the rest of your pathetic life. Enjoy."

Nocturne turns and leaves and before he even makes the cave entrance he hears the tormented screams of the hapless vampire. Nocturne smiles and returns back to the cabin and Mori.

"You already started the torture didn't you?" Mori states as they sit in the booth that Nocturne preferres. She's waiting for the nearly uncooked steak she'd ordered along with the other food.

"Mori, this isn't exactly the best discussion to have while you're trying to eat." Nocturne says trying to get her to change the subject.

Mori just gives him a flat look and doesn't say anything else.

Nocturne can't help the smirk that comes onto his face. "He's terrified of the dark. I don't mean normal night, that's our element but the absolute dark of the cave, well I left him screaming. And he thinks that my brother would be a better king than me. Save me from idiots and fools. That reminds me I need to eat to take away the taste of his foul blood. I don't know what he's been living off of but it tastes nasty." Nocturne shivers in disgust.

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