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Nocturne tries again, "Mori, why are you being like this?"

"Tell me Nocturne, excuse me, Lord Nocturne, are the people of this valley truly under my care?" Mori asks.

Nocturne is almost afraid of what she's going to say next. "Yes."

"Then do you mind telling me why the hell you keep giving virgins sexual experiences? That girl is only fourteen years old. She didn't need to know what an orgasm is at that age." Mori is angry but manages to keep her facade up.

"I, uh, well in order to keep my promise to not kill I had to find a secondary source of blood," Nocturne comes up with the lame excuse.

"So in a diner full of people there was no one else that could give you food?" Nocturne could hear the anger now and it makes him wince, because he knows that if she lets out that much anger than there is much more that she isn't letting out.

He sighs, "No, that's not it. She was the one that made contact with my eyes. It was just luck of the draw Mori, nothing more, nothing less. I could have taken the blood without making her feel pleasure of course. Tell me Mori, what is more cruel, giving a fourteen year old her first orgasm or her feeling the pain from my feeding? Because when I don't give the pleasure the pain is intense, it would have scarred her for life. Would that have been the better choice?"

"The feeding is that painful without the sexual feelings?" Mori asks incredulously. She doesn't believe him.

"Do you really want to know how painful it is Mori? If so I will show you by feeding from you without giving you the pleasure I always have before," Nocturne pulls her over so she is flat on her back and straddles her. Before she has time to say or do anything Nocturne bites down and feeds from her.

Mori screams and tries to buck him off of her but all it does it make the pain worse. After what seems like an eternity Nocturne stops. Mori is shaking uncontrollably from the pain. "That Mori is why I gave a fourteen year old virgin her first orgasm. Which do you think she'd prefer?" Nocturne gets up and leaves the cabin leaving Mori crying on the bed.

"Is the Lady Mori alright Sire?" Terrance meets him outside with two other vampires.

"Yes. I just gave her a reason why a fourteen year old should have an orgasm instead of a bite without pleasure." Nocturne says smoothly. The two vampires exchange looks. They had heard that the king had finally chosen a female to mate with and made her queen. That he would do that to his chosen, well he hasn't lost his viciousness that's for sure.

Lord Terrance looks at him and shakes his head. This isn't going to help matters between the two at all.

"You two, has Terrance told you why you are here?" Nocturne demands of the other two vampires. He hadn't missed their looks and hadn't liked it.

"Yes, sire. We are here to protect the lady Mori and give her our blood should it be deemed necessary." One of the vampires answers the king quickly.

Nocturne nods his head. "Give me your wrists." The two comply without hesitation.

Nocturne bites down and being still upset he doesn't even try to make it painless. The first one's blood tastes decent. The second one he bites just as viciously and the blood is mingled with the vampire's pain. Nocturne doesn't want the flavor ruined by the bitterness of pain and so he sends out pleasure to the vampire. Soon the blood tastes much better and Nocturne lets the vampire go.

"The last time we tried this the vampire that served Mori his blood damned near killed her with the drugs he'd taken. Your blood is acceptable. You will be allowed to feed from the villagers here, but you cannot feed until death. Mori has put that restriction on her people. And you damn well better make them feel good as well. I don't think Mori will forgive you if you don't and she has ways of making life hell for those that irritate her." Nocturne misses the look the vampires give him this time.

Perhaps the lesson he'd given the Lady Mori was more than just about giving pleasure to fourteen year olds.

"Oh, and no touching the villagers sexually. Mori is likely to castrate you if you do. She is very protective of her people," this warning makes the two vampire's blanch. They truly enjoyed fucking people, not just the women.

"A human wouldn't be able to take one of us down," scoffs the second vampire.

At his words Nocturne freezes.

"Especially not a human female," scoffs the other one.

"A wager on that?" Nocturne says casually resuming his activity of adjusting his shirt sleeves.

The two vampire's are quick to take Nocturne up, "My southern estate against the lesser of each of your estates. The loser if it is one or both of you will pay your estate to Lady Mori. I will of course, if I lose, pay my estate to the winner."

The vampire's agree. Nocturne smirks as he returns to the cabin.

"Mori, there are two vampire's that think that a human, a female especially can't beat them at hunting. Would you like to show them how wrong they are?" Nocturne goes in and asks Mori gently. He sends a healing wave through her since she's still feeling the pain from the bite.

"What have you done Nocturne?" Mori asks tiredly.

"I wagered my second estate that you could beat them against their lesser estates. If you win you gain the their estates. And if you lose one of them gains my estate." Nocturne explains softly.

"And if I choose to not participate?" Mori asks.

"Then I will lose my estate and it will be divided between the two of them." Nocturne says with no emotion.

Mori thinks it over. She needs to get away and taking down two asses seems like a good way to do it.

"What are the terms of your game?" Mori asks and Nocturne lets out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Mori had been silent for so long he thought she wouldn't take up the bet.

"You will set up the rules. You are the one that will be accepting the game challenge," Nocturne shrugs. No matter the rules his money is and always will be on Mori.

Mori turns to face him and a smile slips onto her face. "Very well."

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