Chapter 1

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Frisk's POV
Hey friiiisk. I'm baaaaack! NO! NOT AGAIN CHARA! I'm done with genocide! I refuse to let you take over again.  Awww. I thought you liked me. I won't take over...... yet. I'll just torment you. Make you remember the past. Remember when we tried to kill sans?  No, not that. DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT CHARA! I SWEAR TO ASGORE I WILL FIND A WAY TO REMOVE YOU PERMANENTLY!  To late *creepy laugh initiate*

(A/N: view video at top animation/song is not by me please don't share)

I start to cry and I fall on my knees and I curl up in a ball and just sit there, crying while chara replayed that battle over and over until sans came in and noticed me.
"Hey kiddo, what's wrong?"
I imagine his eye glow a bright blue and flinch away as I cry "please... please don't hurt me.... please no!" "Woah kid calm down, I'm not gonna hurt ya." He responded.
"I-It's chara she is in my head and kept repeating your b-battle from genocide in my head. Over and over. I'm so so sorry sans."
"It's ok kid, do you want to call azzie?"
"Thanks sans I will."
Why would you try to call that insolent monster? Because that "insolent monster" is my boyfriend you jerk! WHAT! WHY? WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO DATE SOMEONE LIKE HIM? Because he cares a lot about me. That's why.

*ring ring*
I pick up the phone and tell asriel about chara. And he says he'll come over as soon as possible. He arrives about 2 seconds later with sans. I just assume he tel- oops, he prefers short cuts to teleport. He takes a shortcut to and from asriel's house. Asriel askes me "Why is she here? Can she do you know what?"
"No, not yet she can't. Not for a while"


A/N: So, I'm still not exactly shure where this story should go. Do you want chara to become nice and get a body or do you want her to stay and eventually take frisk over? Your input will DEFINETLY hold away in my decision. I am leaning towards the first choice.

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