Chapter 14 - Sick Day

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Skye's POV

I woke up and my head was killing me. I could feel my brain pounding in my head. So was my chest. I felt really warm and I wasn't even under covers or anything.

I tried to swallow. 

Big mistake.

My throat felt like dry sandpaper with salt caked on it.

I checked the time, and it was almost 11. I sat up and looked out the window. Was I asleep for that long?

I coughed. I feel so sick to my stomach. I went to sleep feeling fine and I wake up feeling like shit.

"Mum?" I tried to call her. My voice was extra hoarse from just waking up. Barely any sound came out.

I could hear her footsteps as she walked to my room. "Yeah?"

"I feel sick." I said.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Headache, stomachache, sore throat, i'm warm, and I can barely talk."

"If you wake up tomorrow and you feel too weak, then you don't have to go to school. But if you feel good enough to go, then I want you to go. Take some medicine, have a cup of tea, and lay down. And if you still feel like crap tomorrow, then you don't have to go."

I nodded. "Can you fix me a cup of tea?"

"Sure thing." She smiled and disappeared.

I flipped over and looked at my phone. I had no messages or notifications. 

Mum appeared back in my room with a steaming cuppa. "Thanks." I said as I took it. I turned on the tv to see what was on.

"You're welcome." She said and left my room after that. 

I downed the cuppa in minutes. I loved the sensation as the flavour of the hot liquid slowly woke me up.

I slowly sat up and went to the bathroom to take some medicine. I took a couple of pills and crawled back into bed.

I was barely able to keep my eyes open to watch the TV that I soon found myself dozing off.


The next morning...

Skye's POV

I woke up this morning feeling worse than last night. I can barely break my eyes open.

I went to the bathroom to take my temperature. 

I waited some minutes and when it came, it was 103.5.

"I'm not going anywhere today." I muttered to myself as I walked back into bed. 

I wonder what everyone's gonna do when they find i'm not there.

I've never really missed a day of school before. I've gone home early, sure. But I've always been at school at some point in the day.

"Mum?" I called to see if she was still here or if she went to work already.

"Yes sweetie?" She came in my room.

"I can't go to school." I said and coughed.

"It's that bad?"


"What was the temperature?"

I showed it to her and her eyes widened a bit.

"Okay, you don't have to go. Stay in bed and rest today." She said. She came in and kissed me on the forehead before leaving for work.

I looked at my phone, and I had no new messages.

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