Chapter 25 - I Am a Vampire

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Skye's POV

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"I'm a vampire, and you are my soulmate." He repeated.

This is crazy. This is too crazy. "But, vampires aren't real." I said.

"Oh, they are very very real." Nathan said.

"You, you aren't a vampire." I pointed.

"I am. Do you need proof?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded. 

"Alright. But, you asked for it." He nodded. "Give me your hands." 

I hesitantly held out my hands for him to take. He grabbed them and looked at me. His eyes slowly turned red and fangs popped out of his gums.

I ripped my hands away. "Oh my god!" 

"Skye, please don't be afraid of me. I won't hurt you." He tried to come closer.

"S-Stay away from me." I staggered back.

"Skye, just hear me out. Please." He begged.

"Siva. He was right about you. You did have something to hide all this time. I told him that you weren't hiding anything! I defended you!" I exclaimed.

He just looked at me. "He kept saying that there was something off about you. That you had something to hide. I swore up and down that he was just being over-protective. But he was right!" I went on.

"Skye, I -" He tried reaching for me.

"Don't touch me, Nathan." I said angrily. 

He didn't dare move towards me.

"Is Tom a vampire, to?!" I yelled angrily.

"Yes." He nodded.

My eyes widened. "Don't tell me that he has to bite Alex and turn her."

"If I could tell you that, I would." He muttered.

"Shit!" I held my head.

"Just calm down, Skye." He tried reaching for me.

"No! Don't fucking touch me!" I yelled and back away a few steps.

I said that out of sheer fear. I was too scared. Was this a dream? Correction - a nightmare? I didn't know.

Nathan, a vampire?! I would have never guessed. I thought that vampires weren't real. Just figments of your imagination. And, he said I was his soulmate?! What does that even mean?

"If you're a vampire, why haven't you killed me yet?" I asked.

"Are you listening? I would never hurt you! I couldn't if I wanted to!" He said.


"Skye," He grabbed my shoulders. I winced a bit. "You are my soulmate. I know it sounds far-fetched, but it's true.  I need you to just trust me, okay? I know you are afraid, you have every right to be. But I need you to trust me and hear me out." He said.

I sighed. Did I really want to trust him? I was still processing the fact on how he was a vampire! I looked at him completely different.

But, he was right. If he wanted to kill me, wouldn't he have already done it?

"I don't know, Nathan." I said.

"Please. Just give me some time to explain. Everything will make sense if you just let me explain."

I took a breath and sighed. "Fine." 

"Well, a vampire's soulmate is that one person who is meant for them. The one person who they feel complete with. They know they're their soulmate in a number of ways. A vampire and their soulmate naturally get along. A vampire couldn't hurt their soulmate. That's because it's a bond that holds them together.

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