Chapter 6

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The orange stopped at the ivory White Castle at half past 9. The ball had started half and hour ago and Cinderella couldn't be more annoyed. Stupid horses and limited running speed.
" here we are dear" farina said , pleased with completing her mission. Cinderella rushed out, hoping no one would see her coming out of that ugly thing. " thanks I guess" she said to the lady in the robe, knowing that she would need her carriage to sneak away if needed. " oh don't be so modest. Now go in there and have fun !"
Oh I will. She waved goodbye to her and walked to the castle steps, limping up with every step. She sighed with relief as the stood near the door. " Cinderella , this is your time to shine" she said to herself. The gaurds on either side opened the huge wooden door, letting her in. She walked inside , her steps making clicking noises against the cool marble floor. The hall was huge , with a marvelous chandelier hanging in the center. It was filled with women and men of all sorts , wearing from the most designer gowns and suits to what a peasant would call his very best. Cinderella ignored them and set out to the hunt the deer. The prince.
On the other side of the hall stood the sisters, smoothening out the dresses they had bought. Their dresses were beautiful , though not at eye catching as their former ones. " mummy , do we look okay." Eliza asked Truman. " honey, you both look delightful, now , stop worrying and go have some fun, meet some fine gentlemen if you will " Truman replied with a smile on her face.they weren't t here to marry the prince, oh no. For them , it was just a party at the royal castle. Eliza and Alice set out to the buffet table, laughing and filling themselves with crumpets and scones. Truman walked around a bit, greeting meeting up with some friends present at the ball.
Cinderella , tired of walking for an hour sat on the couch. The hall was huge, and with glass slippers on she could feel her soul being sucked from feet. She had only searched a part of the hall, and had a part left. A handsome man sat next to her, staring at Cinderella. " my lady, Ive noticed for quite sometime that you've been roaming around looking for some thing, could I be of any service if you may?" He said in his deep velvety voice. " I'm looking for the prince, do you know where I could find him? " the man laughed.
" first tell me your name." He asked.
" Ella."
" well Ella I'm Patrick, and the prince isn't here tonight. Haven't you heard , he got engaged to the duchess of the nearby town."
" what?!" Cinderella shrieked. This wasn't happening, it just couldn't.
" of course, hence this ball. It's a celebration of his engagement. The whole town knows about it."
Cinderella thought over it. And honestly, she had never properly read the invitation. She had just heard Truman speak of the prince and him getting engaged. Cinderella assumed that this had been a ball to choose his princess.
Truly, Cinderella was as dumb as bread.
She looked over at Patrick. She observed him carefully, noting his suit was from on of the most high class showrooms in all of town, being the fashionista that she was.
" so Patrick, where are you from?" She asked sweetly. Patrick looked back with a smile.
" cansadar town , you must have heard of it." Heard of it? Cinderella dreamed of it, the perfect place for high and wealthy. She couldn't believe her luck. Even when life was punching In her in the face, she managed it. She had made it to the ball, had a decent dress and found a wealthy suitor. Take that Truman. She thought of lying her bait.
Truman walked around for a bit. It was almost midnight. She wondered how Ella was doing. She hated punishing her , but she knew it couldn't be helped. The girl had to be set straight some day before her life was truly ruined. Her violet dress flowed behind her and her silver hair was starting to loosen form the bun. She saw Alice and Eliza in the center of the hall, and smiled when she saw Alice laughing with a blonde man and Eliza ballroom dancing with a brunette. Things seemed to be going well. If only Ella were here. She thought sadly. She walked for a it, until she saw a familiar blue dress sitting on a couch on her left. She stopped and stared. She recognized the dress immediately as the dress had been custom made and was one of a kind. She couldn't shift her eyes from the blonde being comforted by a man over something.
" my stepmom and sisters , their .... Their just the worst you know. Always making me do chores and cook food. In fact they didn't even bring me to the ball. I walked here and was helped by some nice lady .... Oh what's her name... Some fairy something." Cinderella said sadly, setting her trap.
Patrick looked at her with with sympathy. " well Ella , I want you to know that....."
A loud voice echoed startling the lion and her goat. Cinderella looked over , only to find Truman red with anger, her hands in fists. She stomped over to Ella.
" oh hello mother " Ella said innocently, pretending in front of Patrick. Truman looked surprised, as Ella had never called her mother before. But that was something to think about later. Right now, she wanted to take Ella home. After everything that happened, Ella needed some serious punishment. This girl was just too much. Without a word , Truman grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. " mother what's wrong? Where are you taking me? " Cinderella cried, her crocodile tears back on her face.
"Home! "
Patrick rushed behind them. " ma'am I'm sure there's been some.... "
" listen son, this a family matter , I suggest you stay out of it" Truman snapped at Patrick. Ella struggled under her hold. Truman exited the castle, Cinderella struggling behind her. She pulled her down the palace steps, with Patrick close behind. All he wanted was to save the poor girl from her horrible home, little did he know he was being played.
Cinderella turned behind to see if Patrick was seeing what was happening , when she nearly tripped over a step, leaving a shoe behind. The clock struck 12 as Ella was pushed inside the carriage that was waiting for Truman and the sisters. " I'm going to get your sisters, don't you dare try anything Ella" she said sternly to Ella as she slammed the door shut. She turned around , bumping into Patrick. " and you " she started, " what did I just tell you?"
" ma'am just listen to me. Why you're dong isn't right and.... "
" oh so are telling me how to take care of my children now? I've told you once and don't me make repeat myself. Stay out of this. And if she's missing when I'm back, I'm getting you arrested for kidnap"
She walked away. Patrick looked the carriage. He looked at Cinderella and said softly, " don't worry , I'll get you out of that place , I promise" he said sincerely.
Cinderella looked at him, doing a mini dance in her mind. Patrick left after that, scared that Truman might actually call the police. He was from a reputed family and couldn't afford a stain in his family tree. Cinderella sat smiling as Alice and Eliza soon entered the carriage. Truman sat in front of Cinderella with Alice next to her. As the carriage began to move, Truman thought over what to to do with Ella.

2 more chapters to go.

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