Part 4

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'Have you ever felt something you shouldn't really feel because you know good can't come from it. Especially when it is for someone you had just met, but it feels....different.' Completely lost in thought I continue walking down the hall. I could hear whispers, and giggling. I groan because before my life wasn't the center of every ones gossip circles. This was annoying.

"Um...Taylor?" I groan. 'Why can't people just leave me alone?' I turn frustrated then I saw who it was. It was Madison. She seemed nervous, and as much as she wanted to say a lot of things the only words that came from were..."I'm sorry." I could see the regret in her eyes for trying trick me. "I didn't mean to hurt you I swear. It's just Brandon asked me to do him a favor, and I did it, but after we started talking it was different. And I felt like I didn't need someone to convince me to become your friend, and I thought after talking with you why would someone like you need friends. You can take care of yourself well except during moments you don't usually have like with Brandon, but I can help you with that. So what I am saying is may we be friends? And it the real me asking. Again I'm sorry. And I understand if you don't want to be friends. I mean I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who was asked to..."

"Fine." She looks up at me with a surprised look. I put on a straight face to not give her the idea I was happy about it. Because I actually was.

Everything is coming together.

"Why are you being so mean to me?" She whines while latching on to me like a crazed person.

"Get off of me Madison! I will break your arms if you don't let go." She was suffocating with a hug. She squished her face against mine while crying.

"Please I just want to be the bestest friend ever!" She cries again. I keep trying to push her off.

"Well well whats going on here?" I hear from behind me. I try again to push Madison off, but she crushes me more. I turn to see Brandon standing there laughing.

"She's being mean to me." Madison cries.

"That's because you're an idiot because that was stupid what you did." I snap.

"I wasn't really going to do it. I was just joking." She pouts.

"Yeah right I saw you do it before so don't pretend you're innocent." I yell back. I hear laughter. We both turn back to see Brandon grasping on to his sides. "What are you laughing at you idiot?"

"For someone who doesn't care you seem to care a lot about what someone else does." I gasp, and blush then look away.

"Whatever I was only concerned that I would be considered an accomplice to her stupidity. I was only worried about myself." I attempt to snap back. But he was right.

Brandon's POV

She then looked down, and I couldn't see her face very well, but I could've sworn she was smiling. She then looks at me with a relieved expression. But now she was full on smiling at me with a genuine smile. I could feel myself becoming flustered. I look away trying to hide the blush I new was on my face. Somehow everything was turning to be okay. I smiled then suddenly I felt a sting on my cheek. I turn to see Taylor pinching my cheek. Her eyes looking into my eyes.

"Ow what the hell was that for?!" I cry.

"Stop looking at me like that you creep." She growls back.

"I'm not a creep!" I whine.

"Keep telling yourself that creep."She mumbles before letting go. I laugh at her tinted cheeks.

"How sweet. You two should get a room." We look up, and I wish I had left, but I had to protect her. "Are you guys a couple, or something?" It was Carson. He was smirking at me. Then his focus went straight to her. He smiled at her. "Fate must be siding with me because I just got transferred a school with this beautiful girl." I clench my fist. Then he scoffs before turning around. He stops and looks back for a second. "See ya." Then he walks away. I could feel my anger rising. I try to calm down, but it took over. I slam my fist into the wall next to me. Then take off. I hear her call my name, but I won't stop. I can't stop. What if I hurt her?

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