Part 9

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  As I walk home I realize that something was different. 'Oh yeah.' Brandon used to walk with me home, even when I didn't want him to. I sigh in confusion. ' Why am I feeling so lost?' I look to the ground, and feel alone. More alone than I ever felt.

  "Excuse me." I look up to see that kid from earlier standing two feet away from me. I glare at him.

  "You." I march towards him, anger. Pissed.

  "Me?" he says seeming a bit worried. I had never felt so angry. I grab him by his collar, and pull my arm back, ready to kill him. "Woah woah woah where's the fire?" He raises his arms in surrender.
  "Who the hell are you, and why is Brandon pissy all of a sudden? When you showed your face he's been acting stiff, and keeping secrets. And guess what? I think you need to explain yourself." I pull him close to view. "Well are you gonna talk, or do I have force it out of you?"
  "Fine, but I don't think it should be me you hear it from." I pull my arm back more giving more edge to impact. He sighs. "But....I'll tell you my part of it." I let go, and he fixes his collar. "Now that's over let's talk somewhere more comfortable, shall we?" I scoff. "There's a small café down this way, my treat." He starts walking, but feeling hesitant I stand still. "Oh come on, you just threatened me, why so afraid now?" He smirks. He gently grabs my arm, and pulls me along. This felt familiar. We get to the café, and he orders for both of us. I sit in a booth where on the table, and seats were covered in names. I carefully studied them until I was interrupted by a voice I look up to see him sitting in front of me. "So how are you feeling? Calmed down yet?" I shrug my shoulders. "Oh quiet now are we, well I guess that's what happened when you let hold in all that anger."
  "I'm not angry."

  "Oh really, so picking me up by my shirt wasn't you being angry?" I slam my fist on the table.  "Did I hit a nerve?" This guy was testing my patience.
  "Look, I'm sorry for doing that, but you deserved it. Ever since your face showed up Brandon has been acting like his old self, but even worse. He won't even look at me, he wont even talk to me."

  "Hmm...seems you've grown fond of him, am I right?" I feel my cheeks heat up, and I look out the window.
  "No. I just.."
  "Just what?" I look down at my cup.

  "Nothing. It doesn't matter anymore anyway. I'm done with everyone." I drag my finger around the rim slowly thinking about what happened between us. "I'm just tired of people lying to me, and keeping me in the dark. They say they are protecting me from some things, but it only makes it hurt worse when I find out the truth, and the fact that it was hidden from me." I give a weak laugh.

  "Something funny?" He asks as he sets down his cup.

  "I realized something."

  "And what's that?" He looks at me, but I can't make contact.

  "I was nothing more than a coward. I pushed him away, when he told me some things, I ran away. Then you show up, and make him run."

  "I would say he's trying to protect you from his past."

  "No. He's protecting himself. I was just a distraction for him. Now that I started wanting the truth he drops me, and finds someone else. Isn't that how it works? You want fun, nothing serious, but when the going gets tough, and serious you move on to something new?" I feel something touching my hand. I look to see him with his hand placed over mine. I didn't feel uncomfortable, but I felt guilty for it not to be uncomfortable.

  "Trust me. He cares about you. Way more than you believe."

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because he's been sitting over at that corner table for the time we've been here." I attempt to look, but was stopped. "Don't. Pretend you don't know he's there, and look casually over." I nod my head, and pretend to fiddle with my hair, and see Brandon, hiding behind a menu. I couldn't help, but giggle. "Okay now to prove to you how much he cares I'm gonna need you to trust me." Before I could answer he leans forward towards me. I could feel the tension between the three of us, when I hear foot steps moving heavily towards us. I feel pressure on my wrist, and suddenly I was looking back at a grinning blonde haired guy winking at me. Before I knew it I was outside of the café, and it was freezing. We stop for a second, and he takes his jacket off, and roughly puts it on me before continuing his actions from before. Tired of following I try to escape from his grip. As we go around the corner towards the park I get loose, and take off running, like a crazy person.

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