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I slowly got out of bed I could see through my apartment window the sun rising over the beautiful Brooklyn bridge, it was the most perfect view to wake up too. I could just stair out my window for hours, but unfortunately I have a job to attend too. I quickly checked my alarm clock and saw it was exactly 5;30am. Shit I have to get ready, I slipped into my 3 quarter gym pants and put on a loose purple t-shirt. The advantages of work at POA (pre school of America) was we were allowed to dress casual and comfortable unless we had formal events which is usually once a month. I quickly went into the bathroom being quite as possible so I don't wake up Peta and Bella my other room mates. We all went to college together and formed a really strong friendship so we rented an apartment about 3 blocks away from time square. I applied my foundation and some mascara, and just a top layer of liquid eye liner. You never quite know who you can bump into at a pre school.. Oh who am I kidding I'm not going to see anyone. I take one last good look in the mirror before making my self a bowl of cereal and a hot coffee to wake me up.

Before I knew it, it was already afternoon and I haven't checked my phone all day. I unlock my phone and im left too see 4 new messages, one from mum two from Peta and one from a blocked number that I can't seem to call back. I read through each message. Mum: Hey Dana, how have things been in New York. We haven't heard from you in a while so we assume that things are going well. Call me later tonight, love mum x Peta: Thanks for leaving the kitchen light on ... Again Peta: Oh and you ate all my frosties. No number: I see you wake up at 5;15 every morning and stair our your window.

What the fuck? Who is that private number!! This is going to be on my mind all day now.

By 3:30pm I'm already back at my apartment and I walk in to find Bella laying on the couch fast asleep, she still has the T.V playing so I decide to sit and watch it for a few minutes.

Minutes turned into hours, I'm still in my work cloths and it's 8;25pm. Peta should be home around 9 like usual so I will ask her if it's her that's texting me on this private number. Peta was always cracking jokes to Bella and I, once she put yellow paint in my foundation bottle and I went to work looking like Lisa Simpson. As much as Bella and I try to get her back she always turns the tables and the joke ends up on us.

"Hey guys" said Peta as she closed the door behind her. Her long brown hair was just about to reach her bum soon, she had on her black pants and a black top, and yep you guessed it, black shoes. Peta's job isn't easy, I mean being a security guard has a lot of dis advantages, for example you can't color co-ordinate, everything has to be black.

"Hey Peta, how was work for you" I asked as I took a sip of my hot chocolate "It was alright, tomorrow we have to have a meeting with john our head boss, he needs to tell us something every important" said Peta as she un tied her shoe laces. "Oh really, well good luck hope all goes well" I reply with a smile.

Just as Peta was about to have a shower I quickly stop her, "Peta I got a really strange text message today from an unknown number, they said that they see me wake up every morning at 5;15, if it's you, you have succeeded in scaring me." I say to her in a serious matter so she knows this is no joke or fun and games. "Dana I really have no clue what your talking about, I had work all day. I only texted you twice about the light and MY cereal, have you asked Bella?"

No I haven't talked to her, she's been sleeping ever since I got home" I told Peta, "Okay well tomorrow we all have the day off because it's Saturday, so if you get a text message tomorrow we will be with you" Peta said in a comforting tone. "Okay thanks Peta, let's get some sleep now, good night" "Goodnight" she simply replied.

The next morning was Saturday and we all organized to go for lunch in time square at a little Italian cuisine on the corner of 45th avenue. It was about a 10 minute walk.

"Hmmm what to order, everything looks so good" said Bella as she was closely observing the menu. Bella's big brown eyes were focused on the paper in front of her, her eye brows arched as she read one of the meals. "I think ill order the Italian salad" Peta told the waiter. The waiter was tall and looked exactly like that one direction guy, the one with the blonde hair. Niall! That's it, he looked exactly like Niall, he even had the Irish accent. Hmm weird. The waiter took all our orders and got us our drinks. "So Dana have you gotten a text message from this blocked number?" Peta asked me while taking a sip from her lemonade. I got out my phone and unlocked it "Actually I just got one now" The text message read-

No number: The waiter looks exactly like Niall doesn't he.. "What the fuck" said Bella as she took my phone right out of my hands. "Who is that!" Yelled Bella. A few people looked at our table as Bella screamed so loud, "I have no clue, it's not you guys right?" I checked both there phones and they only sent messages to there family. And I haven't seen them go on there phone since we got here, so it can't be them... Who is this anonymous person?

As we finished up lunch it was around 3;00 and we decided to stop at the video store and hire out Pretty Little Liars. We absolutely loved this show it was so addictive. Come to think of it my situation with getting anonymous text messages is just like Pretty Little Liars, except all 4 girls get text messages from 'A'.

We got home and showered, we chose to have a night in, we all snuggled up on the sofa and watched never ending Pretty Little Liars episodes. It was 10:00 and we were all wide awake and managed to finish season 2 of pretty little liars. We were extremely bored until my phone buzzed and I opened it to see another anonymous text message..

Hey everyone thanks for reading my first chapter I'll update everyday or every second day, please vote! Thankyou - Dana xx

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