Chapter 2 - A Trick Up My Sleeve

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"Um, why?" The lady at the front desk questioned, confused.

"Because," Gabriel stalled awkwardly, "I'm looking for a friend, they just moved here and their in the same grade as me and I want to compare their schedule to mine" he lied.

"Well then why do you need all of the new students in tenth grade schedules?" She asked, beginning to sound suspicious.

"Well..." he began, attempting to come up with something convincing, "I would also like to know who's all gonna be in my classes beforehand, is that such a crime, ma'am?" he questioned innocently, hoping it was convincing enough. Most of the staff at the small high school knew about Gabriel's past life, and most pitied him for it, to which he often twisted to his advantage.

"I suppose not, Mr. Novak." She sighed, "Go sit down over there and i'll have the papers printed up in a second."

Gabriel nodded and sat down in one of the uncomfortable metal chairs. Wow, I can't believe that worked. These desk ladies just keep getting dumber and dumber.

Only a minute or so later, she walked over and handed Gabriel three sheets of paper. "There you go Novak, all the new students in your grade."

"Thanks" Gabriel replied nonchalantly, proceeding to walk out of the office- making it look like he was pulling a sucker out of his pocket.

I'm good at keeping what I have a secret, always have been. He stuck the sucker in his mouth as he walked outside, going somewhere quiet to study the papers.


He gave into gravity, sinking down into the countless blades of grass- still glistening with morning dew. After getting situated, Gabriel commanded a pen to appear in his hands, as he began to study the papers carefully.

Let's see here... 'Candace Melgrave' it read in big, bold letters at the top of the paper.

The thing I love most about this school is how they put pictures on the schedules. Mostly cause people lose them so much and nobody in this school really knows anybody's name unless they're important or it's their friend.

So, teachers think that if they put a picture of the student on their schedule- if it gets lost, the person that finds it will try and look for the other person to return it to them. When in reality people don't really care. But hey, this whole picture thing makes my job a lot easier when looking for new peers to prank.

Hm, she's pretty. But I don't know... m' gonna look at my other options.

Well, next person.

He revealed the second piece of paper, 'Meg Masters' it read.

Chuck, whats with all the chicks wanting to come to this school? Not that i'm complaining- she's a cutie. But, sadly, not worth my time.

Next! He pulled out the final piece of paper, the name 'Sam Winchester' spread neatly at the top of the page, referencing the placement of the titles on the papers prior. Finally, a guy.

It's not as fun pranking girls as it is guys, Y'know? With girls they're just a bunch of stuck up pricks, can't take a joke. But with guys, I can have a little fun, destroy their ego and their pride and whatnot. I'll decide on him.

I'll keep it simple, for now. He began reading the paper more in depth, finding his locker number, '666'. He chuckled to himself as he started to plan out his prank.


Sam walked inside the school, glancing at the clock, '7:55' it read. I hope I can get a pass for at least first period so I can learn my way around the school a little bit.

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