Flowers and Flying Tea

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Chapter 15

Flowers and Flying Tea

Heather POV

I was really happy it was Sunday. One more show until I can have a day off. My singing lesson is one of the last of the day, so I can go out during the day. I was excited, the girls and I are off to Luna Park tomorrow around midday. So we were planning on spending a little bit of time there and then going shopping. With all the money we've gotten, we could afford to spend up a little.

Lucas strolled up to me with my tea. It was really helpful that someone could get my tea for me every night before the show. And Lucas is now an expert on how to make it. Not too hot and just the right amount of honey to make sure it's not too sweet. He handed me my mug and smiled. "Thank you," I said, sipping it, "You're an angel."

"So, Heather, what's going on tomorrow? How would you feel about lunch on the Harbour?" He said, touching my upper arm in a very uncomfortable way.

I pushed his hand away, "Lucas, I have a boyfriend back home, remember?" I said, being calm yet firm, or else I wouldn't get rid of him. I love Sam and I would never cheat on him. Sam and I are childhood friends who have always been close. He's not only my boyfriend, but my best friend too.

"Come on," Lucas said, getting even closer, "I won't tell if you won't," he smiled, placing his hand on my cheek, trying to pull my face up to his.

I knew where this was going, and the only weapon I had was my tea, so what choice did I have? I quickly threw my tea on his head. He wasn't in costume yet, so it wasn't a big deal, but the tea was very hot on his skin. It dripped from his now brown shirt. "What are you thinking Heather?!" He yelled, annoyed, "Now I have to clean all this up!"

"That's why you should never hit on a girl who is already in a relationship, nothing will make her break away from her boyfriend. No matter what you do. I hope you didn't get too hurt, because if you do it again, I will make sure it does hurt," I said, blowing him a kiss and running off down the stairs to the dressing rooms. I needed girl talk. And I need it now!


"He did what now?!" Alice yelled. I could tell that she was plotting to kill Lucas now, with assistance from Hayley and Sara (and pretty much all the other girls).

"Don't kill him!" I defended. Yes he did try to hit on me, but it's not like he did kiss me or anything. Teenage boys are stupid and we all knew that. Plus this one was particularly stupid (RE, the vodka shots with Jack). I had just texted Sam, asking him to call me. I was hoping that he could call me so I could let him know, rather than him finding out on his own accord and not trusting me. I felt awful, there was no way I could go on tonight feeling like this. It's too hard.

"Guys, there no nee-" I began as my phone began ringing. Sam. I was thanking the lord that he was so efficient at this point. I really needed to tell him what was going on. I answered the call and began talking, "Sam are you okay?" Sara and Alice left, knowing that this conversation would be better if I took it in an empty room.


"Okay, I'll see you soon babe. Love you, bye," I said, hanging up. I sighed of relief, getting all of that off my chest got me pumped for the show. I looked at the photo on my mirror of Sam and I on a picnic by the river, not long before the show got the offer for Sydney. Since then he's been sending me care packages every once in a while and really sweet texts every morning. I guess we never really had a reason to bring him up, which is why I never really spoke about him. Though, I will admit, I did think about him a lot, and I missed him. Though, this Saturday, he's coming to the matinee show, so I was look forward to seeing him and bring him backstage. I'm sure Dene won't mind.

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