Chapter 5: A Cat, Cow, And Home

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A/N; Sorry it's short. Enjoy.


~Rose's POV~

When we got to the bridge the other builders were knocked out. 

"What... what happened here?" Tazuna asked nobody in general.

"HEY! Mr.cow! Come out and play!" Rose yelled.

"Shut up Rose, are you trying to get us killed!?" Sakura yelled.

"Maybe? Maybe not?" Everyone deadpan at this.


"It's Zabuza!"

"No it's Mr.Cow!"









































"Mr.Cow!" He said.

"Ha so you ADMIT! Your name is Mr.Cow!"

"No I didn't!"


"... Your weird, kid."

"I know." I said doing a Kawaii pose.

"Rose stay out of this!" Kakashi said.

"But I need to say something!!!"

"Fine." Kakashi said knowing he would lose this argument.

"Hey Mr.cow look! I found this beautiful Sword! " As I said that I opened the scroll that had his or should I say me sword in it.

"You little brat! Give that back!"

"No can do!"

"Fine I guess I'll have to use my other one then."

"Stop! Wait a minute!" Rose yelled before sing "Fill my cup put some liquor in it."

"..." was everybody's reaction

"I mean, you have another one!!!!" Rose yelled. "Fine But if you die, I get to keep this one."

"Ha in your dreams. Like I'm going to die. But fine if I "do die" then you can have it." Zabuza said.

  ~Time skip to Gato~

As Gato kicked Haku's dead body I got mad.

"Hey Cat! Respect the dead."

"Cat?" Gato said

"Ya your name in spanish means cat." Rose respond.

~Time skip again~

"Will the both of you just cry already!" I yelled to both naruto and Inari.

"Real men don't cry!" they both said at the same time.

As we left I heard someone calling my name.

"ROSE!" Inari yelled.

"Ya what is it Inari?"

"Was all that stuff you said to me that morning true? I mean did you really mean all of that?"

"Ya. Ya I did." I said and with that I turned around to see a confused team 7.

"Rose what did you say to him?" Kakashi said.

"Oh. Just that Winners never cheat and cheaters never win."

"Ok whatever."  But the thing is Kakashi overheard them talking that morning.

"Hey! Rose you want to go to get ramen when we get home?" Naruto asked.

"Sure! But you're paying!" I said as I ran towards the village.

"Rose! Stop! Wait a minute!" Naruto yelled.

"Fill my cup put some liquor in it." I sang as I ran faster.

"What the heck does that even mean?! ROSE!" Naruto shouted.

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