Chapter 7: The Snake's Revealed! & She instead of he.

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Rose's POV

"Alright Maggots! Get into your groups!" Anko shouted. "This here is the 44th battle zone, also known as The Forest of Death." Anko explained.

"This whole place creeps me out." Sakura commented.

"It should." Anko grinned. "They call it the Forest of Death and soon enough you're going to find out why."

"They call it the Forest of Death and soon enough you're going to find out why."Naruto mocked. "Do your worst! You're not going to scare me away! I can handle anything!"

"So..Looks like we got ourselves a tough guy.." She suddenly pulled out a kunai and threw it, slashing Naruto's cheek. "You tough enough to handle this?" She stood behind him. "You're not afraid are you? Tough guys like you usually have their blood all over this forest." She said licking his blood off the knife.

Right before Orochimaru could do his weird tongue thing I ran up to Anko.

"HEY! ANKO!!!" I yelled.

"Hm? Ya, what is it?"

As I whisper in her ears, Anko quickly stabbed Orochimaru in the guts. Everyone was surprised.

"So I see that you figured it out, Anko my dear."

"What do you want Orochimaru!"

"Oh just someone special. I'll be back." And with that he disappeared.

"Ok so because of an enemy the second round will be delayed." And with that Anko went to tell the Hokage. Once Anko left everybody went to talk to their team mates and other friends, me on the other hand, I went up into a tree to take a cat nap.


"GO!" And when the words left her mouth everybody ran into the forest. I had a heaven scroll so all I needed was a earth scroll.

Day 1: As I ran deeper into the forest a team of ninja's ambushed me and took my scroll but not before steeling their scroll so know I have to find a Heaven scroll... Yay! (note the sarcasm)

Night 1: That night I ate a granola bar and an apple. After washing up a little I created a shadow clone to keep watch for enemy(s).

Day 2: The next day I ran in to team 10 well by team ten I mean Ino. And let me tell you Ino was annoying and wouldn't shut up about Sasuke. So I made a deal with her, which I kinda regret... The deal was if I gave her my stupid scroll she would shut up and leave me alone. And so she took the deal and went away... Now I have no scroll. This round is just going my way.

Night 2: That night I skipped resting and went on to find a scroll. Ya well I tripped and fell down a steep hill falling into a river! Oh but that's not the best part yet, I also lost my bag full of food, cloths, compass, my first aid kit, a lot of weapons, and other stuff. So know all I have is what I'm caring on me.

Present day the 3rd day: To day I got bit by a stupid spider... oh and did I mention it was poisonous, so here I am taking my kunai and cut my wrist where I got bit and I'm sucking the poison out, spitting it into the river. So I was to weak to fight, so I just relaxed that day.

The next day: After that I went to a team near by.

"Hey you! Give us your scroll!" one of the boys yelled.

"I don't have one." I said bluntly.

"Ya right, like where going to fall for that lie." said the girl.

"Come on really? You think if you tell us a lie, that we'll believe you? Fine if you wont give it then we'll have to take it by force." The other boy said.

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