Chapter 1

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Harley Quinn sat in the car, looking out the window. Poison Ivy had told her to stay inside again. Harley let out a frustrated sigh. She never got to do the fun stuff.

"Red said she'd be quick," Harley muttered to herself.

As if on cue, Ivy ran out of the building with her arms filled with bottles. Alarms are blaring.

"Harley, start the car!" Ivy shouted.

"Why, Red?" Harley asked.

"Just do it, quickly!" Ivy yelled, leaping into the car.

"Got it!"

The engines roared and the wheels screeched as they took off in great speed.

Guards ran out of the building shouting, but they were greeted to an empty road.

Harley was laughing crazily, she enjoyed this.

“Harley this is no time for fun and games. Drive us home!” Poison Ivy ordered.

Harley pouted in protest but followed. She looked at the bottles in Ivy's hands. They had warning signs on them. Harley wondered what they did. Maybe they would give her powers like Ivy's. Or maybe it would allow her to fly like Superman.

“HARLEY!” Ivy shouted.

Harley snapped out of her trance and noticed they are swerving off the road.

“Harley! Watch where you are going!” Ivy screamed.

Harley focused and turned the car back onto the road.

“Harley, can you for once not get us caught by the cops? Or worse, Batgirl?!” Poison Ivy scolded her.

Harley frowned. She didn't like Red being all mad at her. Then she got an idea. Red wanted to get home fast didn't she? What if they took a short cut?! Harley smiled her wickedly smile. She knew just the way. She quickly turned the car into the park. She started driving straight through it. Poison Ivy was more than surprised.

“What are you doing?!”

Harley turns to Ivy and said with a smile, “I knew you wanted to get home fast, Red. So I decided to take a short cut. Aren’t u proud of me? Now we’re gonna get home sooner than ever!” She giggled, twirling her hair.

“Not if we die first! LOOK!” Ivy shrieked.

Harleys smile drooped into a frown as they drove straight into a fountain. CRASH! Poison Ivy glared at her. Harley had a sheepish smile on her face; she tried not to look Ivy in her eyes, which were clearly filled with disappointment.

“You okay Red?” Harley asked quietly.

“Yes, I'm fine.” Poison Ivy huffed, “Now come on. Get out.”

Harley got out, Ivy right after.

“What, where are we going?”

“We’re walking.”




The two women started walking, barely looking at each other. Ivy was pissed, but she didn’t want Harley to know. Harley, with hands in her pockets, started kicking a can as they walked while Ivy held the bottles protectively to her chest. Harley kept kicking until the can was stopped. A man in a spandex suit picked it up and started looking at it.

“Pinto beans? I didn't know we were near a Mexican place!” he exclaimed, “Peter! Come look!”

It was none other than the Merc with a mouth, Deadpool.

(“DEADPOOL OMG FANGIRL MOMENT!” The Chewbacca Girl shrieked): co-author

(“Stop Neha! Don’t distracting the readers!” Mling5 warned): co-author

[Chewbacca Girl, you are fuckin’ amazing! Mling5, not so much!]: yellow box

{Hey, I think we should be fair; they're both amazing since they're both writing a story about us.}: white box

[True that!]


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