Chapter 4

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Harley Quinn ran home to her babies, two very destructive and crazy hyenas. Poison Ivy sighed. She hated those dumb things. They always peed on her poor plants. They also always stole all of her Harleys attention. The two dogs ran up to Poision Ivy, excited to see her. Ivy scowled at them.

"Harley, remind me again why we still have these... mutts?" Ivy asked.

"Cause Red. I've had them since I lived with Mr. J," Harley said with a huge grin, "boy do I miss my puddin'."

"Again with the Joker! Why can't you just get over him?" Poison Ivy asked.

"Cause, he'll always have a special place in my heart," Harley answered.

"He abused you Harls. You told him you loved him once and he just threw you off a roof!!!"

Harley jumped, startled by Ivy's sudden disperse.

"Red? Are you ok?" Harley asked quietly.

Poison ivy took a deep breath in and out.

"I'm fine."

"You sure Red?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Now I need to go do something," Poison Ivy snapped then walked into her 'lab'. It wasn't really her lab, but it was where she handled all the chemicals that they stole.

Harley, who was very clueless, was confused about why Poison Ivy was jealous of the Joker. Because of how mentally unstable she was now, she couldn't understand what Ivy meant about the Joker "abusing" her. She thought the Joker was a wonderful person, she was drawn to him and his ways. But Ivy was worried more than jealous.

Harley, not knowing what to do, sat down with her dear babies.

"Mr. J isn't that bad, right?" she asked them.

They licked her face. And snuggled into her.

"Aw, aren't you the most adorable little things," Harley cooed.

She pet her babies lovingly.

"Poor Red, she seems sad. It's been awhile since Red has gotten time to relax," Harley told them.

The wild dogs looked at her as if they were listening and telling her to go on.

Harley continued, "Maybe I should talk to her? Or get somethin' for her? Like that necklace she always stares at? I can go get that for her!"

Harleys babies wagged their tails.

"Ok then! We are goin' on a field trip! Let's go get Red a necklace!" Harley cheered rushing to the door.

Harley waved goodbye and ran out of their home. Harley knew exactly where to go. Every time they went anywhere and passed the same jewelry store, Poison Ivy would stop to stare at the necklace through the window. Harley quietly skipped playfully to the store. When she got there she noticed Catwoman, silently cutting away at one of the glass windows, possibly trying to steal one of the jewelry items on display. Harley crept up behind her.

"Hi!" she said excitedly.

Catwoman jumped and kicked Harley in the gut, sending her to the ground.

"Ow!" Harley complained.

"Harley?!" Catwoman asked.

"Yeah, who did you think I was? A cop?" Harley asked with a laugh.

Catwoman hushed Harley, "You gotta be quiet. Batgirl or Robin might be around."

"Or B-Man," Harley added.

Catwoman rolled her eyes, "Batman never checks the city at this


Harley nodded. Catwoman managed to cut the glass and jump through. Harley followed. They tip-toed through the store.

"Whatcha lookin' for?" Harley asked.

"Diamonds, jewels, anything valuable," Catwoman said with a shrug.

Harley nodded and found the necklace she wanted. She smashed the glass. Alarms went off.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Catwoman shouts.

Harley grabbed the necklace and ran while shouting, "Consider this revenge for kicking me!"

Catwoman furiously screamed, "HARLEY QUINN!!"

Harley giggled at the chaos she had created. Mr. J would be proud. Red... not so much. Maybe the necklace would make up for it. Harley sprinted home, not without running into a couple light poles on the way. It's not her fault. The light poles came out of nowhere! Okay, maybe not.

Harley came home to find an angry Poison Ivy.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" Poison Ivy yelled.

"Out?" Harley whimpered.

"Why did you leave without telling me, Harls?" Ivy asked.

"To get you this," Harley showed Ivy the necklace she stole, "to make you feel better."

"That's not the point, Harley! I was worried. You could have gotten hurt! We are a team, Harley! You know that, right?"

"Yeah... but I thought we were more than just a team..."

Poison Ivy ignored what Harley just said and continued, "You shouldn't go out by yourself. I was worried."

"You already said that, Red."


"I'm sorry. I know, I shouldn't have went out without you." she apologized, "But you were so sad! I wanted to make you happy," Harley cried.

"Harley, I don't need a necklace to be happy. I have you. You make me happy. I'm sorry I got so mad at you... I was just worried that you left me for the Joker," Poison Ivy apologized.

"Don't worry Red, I won't leave you ever again!"


"Yeah, Red?"

"I love you,"

"I love you too."

Harley gave Poison Ivy the necklace. Poison Ivy raised an eyebrow.

"And what chaos did u cause for this?" Poison Ivy asked.

Harley smirked, "I sent the cops after Catwoman,"

"That's my Harls."

("AWWW..." TheChewbaccaGirl said)

(Harley with one of her "babies" ↑)

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(Harley with one of her "babies" ↑)

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