Power Over Loyalty & Delcatty Catastrophe!

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Pokemon Daycare

Power Over Loyalty

By: Cutegirlmayra (Here we go! :D I'm sorry I've been busy with my other stories... forgive me! But I'm writing some more of this now! I really love writing this :3 I'm actually really excited about this chapter! Haha! Things may seem like they're going fast for the Daycare... but it's because a whole new adventure team's about to unfold! Stay tuned! EDITED: I really hope you're all enjoying the new edits! I tried to add plenty of exciting detail and really make the narrative shine! I worry about repetition, so let me know if there's anything I can do better! (kindly, please!) and, also, I'm always looking for new pokemon to include! I used to have a quiz but that seemed against fanfiction rules, so just submit a pokemon you like and a possible personality for me! I'll see what I can do ;)b No legendaries or super rares yet, please!)

Will had had a pretty rough day,... the kids did not go easy on him as he was taken advantage of the whole time. The daycare... was a mess.

There were blocks thrown everywhere and even a robot toy was stuck in the ceiling, much to the surprise and stilled shock of Candy and Pearl as their eyes were just big white saucers staring up at the robot while it sang off its chanting and moved its arms up a down. Its lower-half had been, somehow, jammed into the wall.

"You never said they had psychic powers!" Will cried out, on his hands and knees, as the twins were on his back. They held their hands tightly and swung their arms around, causing multiple cubbies to slide out and have more toys fall to the ground.

Torchic was rushing around trying to avoid being crushed by the toppling cabinets and their contents, "Tor, tor, tor!" panicking with flicks of sweat spraying from the sides of its face at first, before managing to outspeed the freefall and happily flap out its little bird wings to show its joy at victoriously outrunning the falling, domino effect of objects behind it.

Seamour looked practically already expired as his body stood upright and limp while Igglypuff rocked his head the other way with a pound of her head, and on the other side, Eevee hit it back.

Gail was equally exhausted as she had swirls in her eyes, trying to run after Jake while he held up markers in-between his fingers and was swiping at the walls while laughing. Her psychic power spent and having no power points left, she just woozily chased after him before finally giving in to struggle. She collapsed and twitched, unable to match the endless energy of the boy.

Candy just looked in awe and horror... before pulling out her Pokeball to reveal Pichu, who immediately came out with a yawn... smacking her lips... before wincing back in a flinching surprise at the mess they made. "Piiiii..." She shook a fist, "PICHU, PIII!" she shouted out her powerful cry and everything stopped, even the twins blinked over to her with their mouths forming small 'o's while the objects remained floating in the air. She twitched the corner of her mouth, hunched forward, her face having blue horizontal lines before she picked up a whistle that was floating in the air, swiping it quickly and blowing into it like a military march. It was almost like she was saying, 'What have I walked into? What chaos is this? Do I have to do everything myself?!' as though the human teenagers were so incompetent...

Immediately, the children gathered into a line and started marching to the beat of Pichu's general command. "Don't worry, Zippity's got this." Candy was still in shock, but helping Will up, gave him a dead-look in her eyes and a thumbs up. He twitched, not sure if what she was really saying was, 'I should have chosen a pokemon over you, anyway...'

Zippity raised her arm up and down to the military beat before pointing to the messy spots as the children sweated in hesitation, not wanting to clean up all the 'fun' they had made; However, with another powerful whistle blow that sounded almost like a General's demand, the children rushed off from continuously marching in place this whole time while in a line, hurrying to fulfill her whistle's orders.

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