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Pokemon Daycare!


By: Cutegirlmayra (Alright! I really do love doing this series. It's so easy to create plots/arcs for it! It never gets old cause it's so much fun to have yall submit your pokemon into it! I hope I do them justice –bows- Now, on with the adventure!)

The children all gathered around Candy, as she held out the new premiere ball that shined in the window's light.

"What kind of pokemon is it?" Tia looked up at Candy, as Mia lightly hit her sister's head.

"Dummy, you should know! We foresaw that hours ago!"

"But I didn't want them to know that!"

"Why? It's not like it's rude to look into someone else's future..."

Cleo held the baby Totodile in a doll's blanket, as it squirmed to try and get lose, before she swayed her arms lovingly left and right, and rocked the Totodile into being calm.

Brandon held his little cracked egg with a peek hole in it, and shyly ducked down towards it, as the little Yamash head peeked out to see why everyone was gathered in a semi-circle around Candy's outstretched hands.

"Wait, you saw it before I did?" Candy looked to the twins, who sheepishly smiled.

"Well, I hope it's a goody." She admitted.

The twins both looked at each other, silently expressing the irony.

Everyone moved in around the premiere ball, as both Pearl and her Octillery and Murkrow also peered down to spy who the new pokemon was.

Candy took in a deep breath, before Zippity, Cuddles, and Flower all burst from their pokeballs.

"AHHH!!" it startled her so much that she had flung up the premiere ball, and stumbled back, flailing. "Oh no!"

The Three were just as excited to meet their new teammate, and were surprised they had startled their trainer.

Everyone's eyes were on the now loose premiere ball, as it burst to life and opened wide.

Another Pichu shook her head, and blinked as she looked down.

The kids all stared back, as Candy leaned up, "Huh?" she let out a gasp, "Another one?"

It snickered, seeing a pair of new and fresh eyes made it excited to perform...

It snickered with a huge grin, and began to use a Scary Face.

The children, all in horror, ran away in fright, hiding behind Candy as Brandon almost had a heart attack, along with Yamask, who just rolled away with fainted eyes.

"Zor, zor, zor, zor!" The Pichu snickered again, having it's two tiny arms up to her face in her laughter.

"Wait..." Pearl squinted her eyes, "That's no Pichu!" she then dramatically flipped her poncho she was wearing at the time, having been prepared to leave after the introduction for the grocery store, and positioned her cane out to the side of her.

"Nevermore! Use Wing Attack!"

The Pichu flinched, and quickly arched its back up, hissing like a cat.

As Murkrow zoomed in for it's hit, the Pichu leapt forward with a Foul Play.

Murkrow fell straight down and bounced on impact, not fainted yet, but definitely taking a surprise blow.

Pokemon DaycareWhere stories live. Discover now