I Would Give Anything

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Ch. 1


By: Cutegirlmayra1 (Here we go~! –Peter pan-)

The scene was set with Eggman unleashing a powerful demonic army upon the world. Sealed for almost an eternity, these powerful enemies only wanted the pleasure of shedding innocent blood and destroying all in their path. We find our heroes struggling, Shadow, Sonic, and Silver in their super forms, fighting with everything they have to defeat the under worldly monsters that threaten not only the present, but the future as well.

"It's no use!" Silver cried out, falling to his knees, breathing heavily as a dark entity came from behind him, holding up a black axe with it's glowing red eyes, it's frame was that of a yeti type creature, having antlers that split off the sides of itself to look even more fierce upon his head. Before the blow was struck, Sonic spin dashed into it's neck, then stood behind Silver.

"We have to try!" He shouted out, and got into his ball form again, whipping himself into a powerful spin, he unleashed his energy and force onto the creature, as it let out a deep roar of pain. "Yeah! Right in the gut!" Sonic cockily sprang back to his normal hedgehog form, bending down to catch himself, he had one hand on the ground and the other in the air, balancing his landing as he stood upright.

The air smelled of burnt forest and hopes and dreams... the area seemed to release a feeling of doom and the fires of the under world itself. Sonic stared out, hearing only crashing of trees, people in a nearby village fleeing, and the harsh wind that blew ash all over the area and into Sonic's face. "...This isn't good..." Sonic concluded, looking at some ash that his hand had caught, and then closing an eye and leaning back as more ash was blown in his face, almost getting into his left eye.

Shadow then came blazing down, his super form glowing bright in the blackish red sky as no one quite knew if it was day or night due to the thick clouds of grey that swarmed the area with the smoke and ash. Shadow turned to Sonic, "The villagers are coughing more than breathing." He turned around from facing behind Sonic and folded his arms, looking out with Sonic at the battle scene. "Eggman's done it this time... we have no other choice than to return to the shrine and offer a sacrifice like in the days of old." He motioned his hand to try and convince Sonic, but Sonic just closed his eyes and lowered his head, shaking it.

"No.... that's not an option." He declared, and then raised his head, his brows narrowing. "We'll defeat these things without any need of someone sacrificing anything precious to them. Come on... Knuckles seems to need our help." Sonic smiled, looking over at knuckles who was fighting a large mole like demon creature. Pitch black, with only red beads across his face in a curved line as eyes. Its large mouth could fit a boulder as it's teeth looked long and sharp, circling around like a shark's. Its claws like a bears, as it twiddled them slightly in anticipation of Knuckles's neck move.

"Bring it on!" Knuckles shouted, and dug through the ground, the demonic mole roared a screech similar to Godzilla's as it, too, dug through the ground.


Back at the shrine, Tails was trying to decipher more of the ancient writings on the wall, desperately looking for an alternative to the sacrifice. Holding his square device with the antennas at the end, he tried to fly around and scan the walls, looking for a solution. "It just doesn't make any sense.... All I can find is writing about the 'willing heart' sacrifice." Tails concluded, and sighed.

Amy, moving around with her hands behind her back, curiously looked over things, but tried desperately not to worry about Sonic and the others... "Can't we just give the shrine something? It doesn't require a life, does it?" She asked, reaching her hand out to some inscriptions and depictions of the process on the wall, but not touching them. Looking to Tails, she saw him shake his head at her suggestion.

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