I remember you! You're back!

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Ch. 4

By: Cutegirlmayra1(Soo.. this is it xD –sigh- I forgot some stuff that I'm gonna add in, but it's funny how some of you are thinking Sonic will lose his speed. Isn't that a bit TOO obvious though!? :p I'm more clever than THAT! Haha! Enjoy the ending~)

Amy stopped Sonic before he was about to run off, "Wait! I still don't understand! I've never met you before! How...how is this...?" she looked so confused, and Sonic felt a moment of mercy toward her, and so he let her hold him back.

"What's the last thing you remember?" he asked. "About your childhood?"

"...." Amy thought long and hard, and finally, taking a breath, she explained.

"I... I was eight years old... on the little planet... I had set out some of my tarot cards... hoping to have my fortune told..."

Sonic remembered this story, Amy had set these cards when he rushed by her, the wind picked up every card and laid them all facing downwards... but one.

"It was a quiet day... and when I finished the process and drew a card it read-"

'Destined... it read destined. Please, say destined!'


Sonic suddenly realized that she really had never met him, her memory was completely gone, there was absolutely no other way to regain his lost friend but to head to the shrine. He tightened his fist, it was now or never. "Amy.... That's not how it happened. And I'll prove it you, but you have to let me go." He looked to her arm, shaking.

Her eyes were twitching, she was so confused and lost, everything she had thought.... Everything in her life... he was telling her was wrong. "Who are you!?" she demanded, glaring up and yelling in his face. All he could do was stare back at her, hurt and sympathetic. "..Who are you... to tell me I'm not me..."

"...Because I'm Sonic the Hedgehog."

With that, he had broken out of her hold and dashed off. A moment of silence, before Amy fell to her knees. In her mind, she didn't understand why he was so displeased with this version of herself, but in her heart, it felt so heavy with mixed feelings. On one hand, it was jumping for joy, as if it had won something. On the other hand, it felt like something was missing, something wasn't good enough... something... was distasteful to him.

She wiped her eyes, not allowing herself to cry as she took off after him. "No way am I letting some crazy lunatic tell me he's sacrificing something dear to him to change something in me! There's nothing that needs to be changed!" her defiance roared out the words in her misery, and she closed off her heart, trying to not feel anymore and just stop this boy from making a big mistake...

-Back at the Shrine-

Sonic dashed up to its olden state again, as if the light it had never existed. Putting a hand on his hip, he smirked. "Alright! Where do I sign up?" he tried to keep it together with his usual cocky attitude, but everything told him that Amy would try and stop him. He was miles ahead, no way she could run that quickly, even with a steady jog.

But for some reason... he knew he had to hurry.

"Hello?" he called again, walking around. "Willing heart over here!" he outstretched his arms, as if offering himself as an open target.

Lights flown around, as the same Spirit Dealer landed in a kneeling poise. He got up and flung his cape to the side, smiling his usual charismatic grin. "Oh-ho? A new customer!" he rubbed his hands together, but not sinisterly, oh no, more of a shop keeper's delight or glee. "And what is your wish, sir?"

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