Who are you?

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By: Cutegirlmayra1 (So, I got 2 reviews from the get-go! Sweet! I decided to write more cause there's nothing else to do XP)

Amy stared with a blank expression, not really understanding why this man was looking at her like he had seen a ghost. All was still with no sound, until Shadow spoke up.

"Well then... she must have given her memories of you as her willing and heartfelt sacrifice."

"Amy..." Tails reached a hand out to her, "Didn't I say not to touch anything!?"

"...But I didn't." Amy looked back to Tails, obviously, she felt a strong bond to him. "Anyway, I don't know what Shadow's rambling on about, but we got to stop those demons!" she got up quickly, summoning her hammer and looking ready to fight. "Any luck on translating the scripts, Tails?" she asked, looking serious, almost like the leader of the group...

"H-huh?" Tails looked confused. "Amy... there gone." He admitted. She looked at him with surprise and smiled.

"Alright! That's my little bro!" she ruffled the top of his head fondly and began to walk out of the shrine. "I knew I could count on you, buddy!"

"...Amy, your memories... Rosy? Do you remember when you were a kid?" Tails tried to evaluate just how much was missing. "What about Metal Sonic? Remember him?"

"Metal who?" she turned around, having her hammer on her shoulder, and her hand on her hip. "You know I was alone until I met you, Tails. I had to survive on instincts and battle Eggman to save my planet. Wow, you okay? Having a bit of amnesia pal? Haha!" she giggled, then walked by the two hedgehogs at the entrance. "I'm off to train! See ya, Shadow, Silver, uh..." she turned around, looking at Sonic again, "...Tails, who is that guy?" she pointed to him, making a thousand knifes pierce his heart.

Sonic was devastated, and hearing that her memories had changed to make up for his absence killed him even more. The worst part was when she addressed him again, years of their life just cut out of her time stream in an instant. He wouldn't stand for it, nor would he accept it. He slowly turned his head to her, still bending down on the ground and having not moved from when she asked who he was last time.

"A-amy... that's..." Tails looked to Sonic, seeing him try so hard not to show anything that was happening under the surface made him feel so much sympathy for him. "He's-"

"No one. No one of importance." Sonic spoke out, his face hidden from her as only his back faced her. His voice lost all emotion; it was literally a dead man speaking as he slowly rose from where he stood, his fist tightening, his lips turning to a hard frown as he kept his composure. "I'm a friend of Tails." He stated.

"...? Oh? Well, then. I'm Amy Rose, nice to meet'cha..." she slowly turned around to, an eye brow rising in questioning his attitude. 'Must be pretty shy.' She concluded, but her heart ached and she wondered why. Walking out, as soon as she was out of earshot, Silver spun around to face Sonic.

"What was that all about!? Why didn't you tell her who you were?" he wondered, almost seeming ticked that Sonic didn't explain she lost her memory and such.

"...What would it matter?" Sonic turned around, a deep serious glare in his eyes. "She's forgotten me. And as far as I know, she may never remember me."

"You can't give up hope!" Tails rose up too, looking at Sonic, and deciding to take the place of Amy's cheery, supporting part. "I'll look over the wall again, I mean, all it talks about is the sacrifice process! I'm sure there's a way to get her back!" and with that, Sonic just looked down, and nodded his approval. Tails smiled, seeing he could still reach him even in this state and flew off, taking out his square device, and scanning the walls for information again.

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