Don't you know me?

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Ch. 3


By: Cutegirlmayra1 (So... I'm popping these things out, lol! Enjoy the rush of chapters! Whahahaha! Wait, why am I laughing like a villain? That's a good thing. Uh... hahaha? o-o)

Amy was getting close to a rocky ridge above her, she had journeyed here a few times, but it was always unsafe, but nothing that would scare her away.

"Everyone needs a little bit of danger." She said excitedly, but tried to keep her voice down.

Sonic watched her from above, having set up some boulders, and smiled. Looking back over his shoulder, he said, "This is so odd, I'm actually making her the damsel in distress this time. Oh well, she won't get hurt. I'll save her in the nick..." he got up in between the boulders and started to push with his legs. "of... time...augh!" he pushed and pushed, until finally the boulder started to roll. Peering down the ridge, he smiled, "Yes!" he air fisted, and then he moved on to the others.

Amy was keeping up her pace when she gasped at some boulders, gaining speed, and coming her way. "Oh no!" she cried out.

"Don't worry! I'll-" Sonic had just gotten down when Amy suddenly pulled out her hammer, and raced towards the boulders. "" his eyes widened, seeing her charging the boulders.

"HYUP!" she swung her hammer, and the boulder shattered, her movements were more advanced than Sonic had ever seen her do before. She was twirling, smashing, swinging with grace and aerobatic movements that left him stunned and staring in awe. "Well... that's impressive..." he gulped. "But not exactly what I was hoping for..."

Amy landed, huffing and puffing, when she noticed she missed one, heading for a gloomy looking Sonic, who kicked a small rock next to him and sighed, bending his whole frame down in defeat.

"Look out!" she cried out, and raced over to him.

"What?" he turned around, seeing the boulder he was about to dodge but Amy stepped in place of him, and swung it right back up on the ridge he had once placed it.

"Phew." Amy held her hammer down, and looked to Sonic, a big smile on her face. "That was a close one!"

Sonic was instantly charmed, but shook his head, pouting at his failure.

"Umm... I'm Amy Rose, remember?"

Her words tortured him from his core.

"Yes.... I remember." He slightly growled out, but tried to stay talkative.

"Hehe, you don't sound too happy..." she moved her quill out of her face, looking cute as ever. "You live around here?"

"I live everywhere." He rolled his eyes, having to explain himself to someone who should know him inside out was awfully annoying. "Ehem... anyway, you alright?"

"Sure am! Your lucky I was around though, or you'd be the one I'd be saying that, too. Haha!" she covered her mouth, and then threw her hammer over her shoulder again. "Anyway, stay out of trouble, mister..?" she motioned for the name.

Sonic just stared at her, in his heart he felt a billion mirrors shatter. How dare she ask his name... how dare she make him stoop to such levels as having to prepare a rockslide just to get her to fall for him again. If her memories were still in there, he was doing an awful job of getting them out.

"Excuse me." He raced by her.

"Uhh... Sir?" she watched him zoom away, and tilted her head. "Huh. He really is shy... either that or prideful." She moved her mouth to the side, silently judging him. "Oh well." She summoned back her hammer, having it disappear, and then continued her run.

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