The Great Battle of the Hero

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The Great Battle of the Hero

Ch. 2

By: Cutegirlmayra (I'm so pumped right now! Lol, I'm making so many different stories, and it's so much fun to give these ideas life and have so many people comment and discuss with me about the story! Please continue to support! For I shall not let you down! -hopefully- xp)

"Great hero..." Zelda walked up to Link, as he about faced and looked at her with a smiling face. "I'm afraid I must warn you. The dangers that await you are perilous indeed, but remember, these people need you.... I... need you." Zelda performed her part with expert delivery. Putting stress on the major lines and even looking down, even though she's a princess, and then placing her hands together and in front of her. As if she was trying to hide how she felt, she moved her hands over her mouth and looked back to the Link, "I bid thee a safe journey, may your endeavors bring prosperity and joy to this land that we both cherish.. So deeply..." she looked as if she was about to cry as she closed her eyes.

Link couldn't take it anymore, he knew he was suppose to play the hero, but Zelda's acting really nailed him in his noble heart. He quickly took her hands in his, putting his shield and sword behind him as the people still cheered in the background. She opened her eyes in surprise, and blushed. Link gave her a hopeful look in his eyes, and then nodded with a happy grin, as if telling her it was all going to be alright.

"Oh Hero..." Zelda smiled, "I shall await your return, we shall throw a great feast and festival in your honor! But please... make it back safely."

The two smiled at each other, and for a moment, they seemed lost in their fantasy....

"Link, me boy? Where the devils is that child?"

The two quickly snapped there heads toward the door of the princess's room. The whole world had disappeared in a blink of an eye, as both Link and Zelda were still holding the others hands. "...Oh..!" the two immediately let go.

"The...the story isn't done yet! You can't go!" Zelda's eyes began to tear up for real as she leaned closer toward him. Her being looked as if she was pleading for another's life to be spared...

Link looked at her with sorrow filled eyes, he didn't want to leave either, the adventure had only begun! But he knew that if his commanding Knight sees him now, he would never be allowed to guard the princess again. He looked to the door and back at her with a regretful expression, then he dashed out the door.

"!" The princess rushed to the door, and it nearly killed Link to close it. The princess wasn't allowed out of her room at certain times during the day and night, and he literally bit back tears thinking of how awful and lonely it must be for her to endure that kind of torture. To be trapped in a small room with only her toys and imagination to amuse her... he wouldn't leave her for long. He told himself he vowed to be the perfect play mate. If it meant having to disobey orders....then so be it.

The feeling in his chest swelled, he didn't know what ancient feeling had possessed him, but he felt he had to protect and care about her. What on earth was this..? Could he be smitten by a girl he has only just met? What spell was this that had been cast on him? He was always a kind boy, but to disobey orders...

"Link! Link! Please, Link! Don't leave me here alone! It's getting dark.. And.. And.. Please.."

Link heard and felt the banging on the door, and he wanted to open it so badly. He literally had to pinch his arm not to open the locked door....!

Zelda slid down the door frame, tears straining her face. "..I've.. I've never known a knight to be so kind to me... to go against orders to make me happy... please.. If I can't see you now... will I see you tomorrow? At least then... I'll know this isn't the end... and that the kingdom can still have a champion.."

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