life can't get much better.

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"We missed having you around!" your friend Emily said, grabbing your hand and squeezing tightly as you walked down the street.

"Girls' night just wasn't the same without you." your friend Alannah added. "It's good to finally have you back."

"Well, I'm glad to be back." you admitted. "I'm sorry about everything that happened."

"It's all good, the past is the past!" Emily replied. "We're just happy that you broke up with that piece of shit."

"Me too." you sighed with relief.

The three of you continued to walk. The slight breeze made your cotton dress stir around your thighs. You brushed the bottom down and kept walking until you finally arrived at your favourite bar. Alannah held the door open for you and Emily pulled you in, immediately order a drink once she got inside.

You laughed at her eagerness as you and Alannah headed further into the bar, toward the DJ booth. The two of you started dancing to a remix of some popular song that everyone else seemed to know the words to. You swayed your hips to the rhythm when something caught your eye.

Well, more like someone.

He was sitting at the bar, a glass in his hand. He was handsome, he had a nice build to him, he was bearded, and his hair was up in a bun. You could swear that he had been looking right at you. No, he was probably looking at Alannah, or one of the other girls that was standing near you.

Your train of thought was halted by Emily shoving a drink into your hand. It was one of those fruit coolers. You didn't mind them, but they didn't do much to help you get drunk. And you were in the mood to get totally wasted.

You quickly chugged the drink, placing the bottle down on a table once you were done with it. Feeling somewhat adventurous, you decided to walk over to the bar to where the cute guy was sitting. As you were walking, your sandal got caught on a loose floorboard and you stumbled, steadying yourself by grabbing someone.

When you looked up, you noticed that you'd grabbed the back of the cute guy's shirt. Blushing, you avoided his eyes. That was not the first impression you had wanted to make, but you didn't want to walk away from him, because that would've made things weirder.

"Sorry." you said, finally looking up at him, walking so you were standing beside him.

"Don't worry about it." he chuckled.

The sound of his voice left you speechless. It was deep. Deeper than any voice you'd ever heard before. You tried to think of something to say to him, but you found yourself staring into his eyes. Even under the dim lights of the bar, you could tell that they were a beautiful green.

"I'm Avi." he broke the silence, sticking his hand out toward you.

You introduced yourself, shaking his hand lightly. His hands were warm, and you had to tell yourself to let go after a few seconds. Looking away from him as to not make things awkward, you flagged down the bartender. She held a finger up to you, telling you to wait a minute.

"What are you drinking?" he asked. "I'm buying."

"No, you don't have to do that." you replied, shaking your head. "I fell into you, I should be the one buying you a drink."

"I insist."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"Hm...well, okay. I want a whiskey sour."

"Good choice." he nodded.

The bartender walked over, swaying her hips as she did. It almost seemed like she was making a show out of walking toward you. She stood in front of Avi, leaning over, giving him a view of her cleavage.

Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now