the morning after.

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When you'd first arrived at the party, you walked around, looking for any sign of one of your friends. As you walked, you saw a few people that you'd, at one point, had some sort of casual conversation with, but you couldn't find a single friend of yours. You decided to deal with this newfound loneliness the only way you could: by getting drunk.

A few coolers, some sips of wine, and a couple of shots in, you started to realize what a bad idea that had been. You didn't want to move, you could barely stand, and if someone tried to speak to you, you completely zoned out and just stared at them until they finally walked away.

You sat there for about half an hour, just by yourself, with your head in your hands, trying to calm down the buzzing in your head. You were still pretty wasted, but you did feel like you could function just a bit more. As you went to rest your head on your palms once more, someone stood in front of you.

You stared up at the stranger in front of you, squinting to get a better look at whoever it was. He offered you his hand, and for some stupid reason, you decided to take it. He pulled you up, bringing you close to him and whispering in your ear.

"Do you want to come home with me?" he asked.

You immediately shook your head. Even though he was leaning toward you ear, you could still smell the alcohol on his breath. You obviously weren't sober, but you still knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to go home with a wasted stranger. He wrapped his fingers tightly around your wrist and led you toward the front door. You struggled to free yourself, but it was no use. He just wasn't letting go.

Suddenly, you came to a halt. You looked up to see someone blocking the front door. He had his arms over his chest, and a stern look on his face. The stranger was at least twice his size, but the guy didn't seem at all intimidated by him.

"Move out of the way." He said, trying to pull you closer to him. "My girlfriend and I are leaving."

"That's your girlfriend?" the guy at the door replied. "Then what's her name?"

"Fuck off, kid."

He shoved him out of the way, his stern look slipping away for a moment to reveal a scared expression. However, he quickly regained himself and called a few people over. You leaned against the wall, trying not to pass out. A few other guys pulled the stranger away from you and shouted at him until he was out of sight. You could feel yourself falling, but a pair of arms quickly found their way around you, steadying you.

"Whoa, be careful."

You looked up; it was the guy who had been standing by the door. You quickly noticed how cute he was. His face was slightly flushed; he had long brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. He helped you stand up straight, grabbing your arm and wrapping it around his shoulders while he wrapped his arm around your waist.

"Come on..." he smiled down at you. "I'll take you home."

You woke up the next morning, not feeling as shitty as you thought you would. You sat up, rubbing your eyes, not quite remembering how you'd actually gotten home. After a few moments, you realized how dry your mouth was. You grimaced and got out of bed, walking to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

You drank at least three glasses of water before you realized that you probably had make-up on your face from the night before, and that you were still wearing the same clothes you'd gone to the party in. As you were about to walk down the hallway, back to your bedroom, something caught your eye. There was someone sleeping on your couch.

Confused, you walked over. The person looked familiar, but you couldn't remember who he was. You cautiously poked him a few times, hoping he'd wake up. After a couple of pokes, he slowly opened his eyes, rubbing them and looking up at you. Sighing, he sat up.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep here. Sorry." He mumbled, looking down at the floor.

"Why are you in my apartment?" you questioned, raising your eyebrows.

"You don't remember? I, uh...I brought you here last night. Some guy was harassing you, and I just wanted to make sure that you got home safe. Didn't mean to fall asleep, though."

"Oh, yeah, sorry. Last night is kind of...a blur, you know? I remember a bit."

"Yeah." He said quietly, nodding.

"What's wrong? I don't remember you being this shy last night."

"Well, that's just because I was trying to scare the guy. Plus, I had been drinking a bit."

"Makes sense." You shrugged. "But thanks for getting me home. You didn't have to do that."

He shrugged and looked down at the floor once again. Unsure of what else to do, just shifted your weight from foot to foot, clearing your throat. He looked up at you once again and stood up, straightening out his clothes.

"Sorry, you probably want me out of here." He said, walking toward the door and putting his shoes on.

You walked over, stopping a few feet away from him. He looked at you for a second before opening the door. He was just about to step out, until you stopped him, placing a hand on his arm.

"Wait, I didn't get your name," you said.

"Oh, it's, uh...Avi." He replied, smiling softly.

You smiled back, introducing yourself. You soon realized that your hand was still on his arm, so you quickly removed it, trying to hide the fact that you were blushing just a little bit.

"Maybe we could...I don't know, get coffee sometime or something?" you suggested, hoping he'd agree.

"That sounds great." He nodded, biting his lip.

The two of you quickly exchanged numbers, and he promised that he'd call you as soon as possible. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before he turned toward the door again.

"I guess I' to you later?" he questioned.

"Yeah, sounds good." You smiled.

"I'll head out now." He nodded.

"Wait, just one more thing."


You leaned forward, kissing him on the cheek. You could see a blush creeping over his face and he smiled, looking down at his feet. You bit your lip, smiling to yourself as how adorable he was.

"Thanks for bringing me home."

Avi Kaplan Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now