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Flashback two years ago...

Park-jieun POV:-

Cring! Cring! Cring!
What the heck is this so early.  What happened! Whose house is on fire!!
I got up from my bed & scanned whole my room. Oh! It's just alram clock.>_<
Screw this clock. Always disturb me from my beauty sleep. But wait... what time is it.. as i glanced at clock its only 5 am. What the!! Only 5 am!!
Never mind. Let the sleep embrace me to my dream land. I was going to sleep again something crossed my mind. Why i feel like i forgot something very important. I mean very very important. But what was that. Like i care. Its not my first time. I was about sleep again i heard footsteps outside from my room.

Oh shoot!! I remember dad told me yesterday to wake up early & concentrate on study. If dad ll see me, i ll be dead meat.
Ottoke!! Don't panic jieun.
Suddenly i ran to my study table like someone put fire on my butt & picked a book & pretend to study.
If u ask me i am reading, i dont know. My eyesight still blurry.
Door opened as footsteps got heavier & dad came towards me.

Park jieun!- dad yelled at me like he was  going to explode.
What did i do? Why is he yelling at me? I thought. I got startled as i heard lion screaming voice.
What the heck are you reading? A magazine instead of your book - dad said

I looked at my hands.
Oh crap! Why am i so unlucky. Out of all books i picked magazine & got caught by dad. Today is the end of my life. Bye bye world.(T_T)
Here it goes his nagging. Blah blah blah..

My dad thought i was born with as brainy as Einstein. Didn't he know even Einstein was not smart when he was kid. And in my case.. i m reverse of Einstein means i was smart when i was kid, now i m no longer smart as i grew up.

7am. Breakfast table.
My parents and my little sis now having breakfast and even joking on some matter. When will be part of this laughter.(T_T)
As i sit in table now all gazes are on me now like they are going to bore a whole on my face.*sighs*
Jieun! Why are so lazy. Why are you the one to come late on breakfast.- mom said

I remember its my mom's turn to nag me. I don't have appetite to eat. I used to it. Its not first time. I am clumsy low average girl with no good degree and a loner too. My parents always comparing with me my little sis who is perfect in everything. I mean everything. She is smart,having good degrees & good at everything. Here me sucks at everything.
It's not like i didn't try, i tried my best to help mom & study hard but result was in vain. As always no one cares for efforts, they only see results. 
My mom always tell i m burden to my family & i bring disgrace to them. Those words are like someone stabbed my heart.  How can she say those hurtful words to me just because i m lacking. Isn't she is a girl ?? How can a girl say those hurtful words to other girl. Even if i love her as a child but i hate that fact about her as a girl.

Park ji eun! Park jieun! Are even listening to us- my parents said

I stopped myself to getting into deeper thoughts and came back to reality.
We have a important announcement to make - dad said

Now i having bad feeling about this.
What is it?- i asked nervously

Yesterday your aunt called & she wanted you to continue your study there & we gave her green signal. And its final. No more questions & pack your luggage. You will be leaving after two days - dad said

I just froze there. Countless thoughts crossed in my mind. Just accept what their decision.
Why ?? They even didn't care about my opinion. They should have at least asked for my permission.
They didn't even care for my feelings.
My life but their rule.
I remember i don't have any value in this house. Am i really bother to them so they send me far away from them.
I always want to get out of this & feel freedom. Why am feeling so sad. The thought of being far away from my dad clench my heart. No matter how cold he is to me, for me he is my dad, my sun& moon just one & only in this world. I love him more than anything. I know he has a warm personality but never show to me.

Parents are those persons no matter how hard you try hate them. You can't hate them - that's called love.

I might regret it later i never get chance to tell them how much i love them.
The harder i tried to close to them, The farther distance grew between us.
I having a really bad feeling to go.

Park jieun please pause in your countless less thoughts as i slapped my cheeks to come back to reality.

I got to my room &  started packing my luggage.

Be positive jieun-ah. Its not like i never will be able to them. I ll be after my studies will over. Stay strong. Fighting!!

Another  boring chapter is here. Sorry
I will update soon. Sorry grammatical errors. (T_T)

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