
43 9 8

It took me one hour to arrive at my destination.
My bestie's house.
After 5 years i have chance to me her. Its been long time i have tasted aunt's hand made pancake. I missed all those memories i shared with her.
With excitement & urge to meet her i had knocked on the door again & again. But no one bothered to open the door.

The excitement i had in my heart was replaced by sudden unknown fear. Unpleasant thoughts were spread all over my mind like dark clouds.

She may be out for hang out with friends. She will return after some hours. Right?

What if she is out of town??
Think positive ji-eun ah!!

I should call her. Yeah!
So i took out phone from my blazer and i was about to call her sudden realization hit me.

What the!! Where is my phone. It's not my phone. It looks similar to my phone.

That jerk!!!- i screamed out of my frustration. I dont even remember my friend number.

I came all the way to here to surprise my bestie. Now look who is the one got surprise!!!

From neighbors i got to know that they were out of town for 2days.
With help of some people i check in cheap motel. Since I cant use my all hard word savings in expensive Hotels.
As i unlocked my room ,i threw my luggage in a corner & flopped myself down on soft, fluffy , comfortable bed. Even though i stinked i was Hella tried to think about anything. After a while my eyelids got heavy & slowly i drifted to dreamland.

Next morning i woke up with grumbling stomach & stinking body. I sat up in the bed with rubbing eyes. My eyes fell on the time on clock.

7am!!! Holy sponge boob square pants!!
I had slept whole day?? I must be very tired.

I was about to make my towards bathroom suddenly mr.phone rung .

I swiped the receive button. As i put the phone on my ear to start conversation with the person from other line, he cut me off by screaming from other line almost piercing my ear durm.
I quickly distanced my ear from phone.

What the hell!! Is he trying to make me deaf by screaming.

I put phone again on my ear to start conversation.

Yahh!! Why are you screaming. I can hear you quickly.

You Thief!! You stole my phone yesterday.

Whom are you calling theif?? How dare you to accuse me!!

Obviously!! You!! I calling you theif. I fucking tried to call you from yesterday. But you had not received any call.

If you have forgotten then let me remind you, you were the one who snatched phone from my hand without even checking. It's your fault !! You JERK!!

What did you call me!!!

J-E-R-K! JERK !! Do yiu have hearing problem!!

Whatever! I need my phone back.

Me too!! I am not intrested to keep your phone though.

Meet me at XXXX street at 8:30am.

Why?? Why should i believe a snobby jerk stranger like you!! What if you kidnap me! No way!!

Buwahahahaha!! Have you ever seen yourself in mirror?? You pumpkin!!

You jerk!! Next time if you will call me pumpkin then next thing will be out of your mouth will your teeth.
Meet me at #### street at 8:30 am. Its final. If you don't want your phone. Its fine.

Without even caring to listened his reply i hung on him.
I took a shower quickly.  As i put my comfortable clothes in front of  mirror sudden conversation replaying in my mind.

Pumpkin!! Pumpkin!! What gave him the thought to call me pumpkin.
He should check his eyes.

I shrugged the thoughts. As i took my purse in my jeans,i dragged my feet out of the hotel.
I decided to go to there by walking instead of taking taxi to enjoy morning breeze to calm myself down
I reached at my destination before 10 mins. As i was wandering my eyes fell on cafe near by.

Maybe i should go get some breakfast before that jerk ruin my appetite & start world war3 , i need to energize myself.

OPPA!! Look at us!! OPPA!! You are so handsome!!
I turned to leave towards the cafe near by but stopped when i heard screams coming from the opposite direction
I turned to look towrds the direction of the noise found out that a group of girls chasing after a guy. I cant see his face because of girls were crowded around him.
The guy is running at his top speed, never once looking back to shoo them away, just trying to escape from their outstretched hand.

Poor guy!!
I turned my heels to head back towards cafe. However, just as i take my first few steps to cafe, a hand tugged at wrist spinning me around & dragged me with him. As i can say forced me to run away with him.
My mind could not even processed whats going on.  I looked up to see a handsome  mr.stranger face.

What do you think you are doing!! - i screamed at him

-_-- no answer

Who are you!! Why are you dragging me with you??

First,I m the owner of the phone you have right now. Second, i m dragging you because you have my phone.- he stated

I tried to pull away my wrst from his grip. It causeed him to tighten his grip on my wrist more.
  . I took out out phone to give him.

Here!! Keep your phone & give my phone back.
Let me go now!- i said

I can't. If i let you go u might have ended up dead- he said

What does he mean!!

As i heard noises from my back. So i turned my head to back to see a bunch of girls chasing us.

OPPA!! Who is she!! Is she your girlfriend!! She is not even pretty. - girls are screaming like crazy.

Are they your ex-girl friend?- i asked him you are such a playboy.

Dont jump conclusion. - he stated

I scoffed at his answer. You player. You dragged me with your chaos  -i  screamed at him out of frustration

Since i have no other way i ran away with him every step for my dear life.

First of all i would like to say thank you to angie_9598 for making an awesome cover for my story. I m really greatful to her.

It's been long i updated new chapter. Sorry for late and my grammatical error.

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