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After a long dragging -running - chasing session i found myself in not so crowded area, more like faraway from city, Sith mr. snobby stranger as he was bidding farewell to a middle -aged couple who are having a red car.

If you are asking me how i got here,
Then my answer is I DON'T KNOW.
I was so scared and shocked before that my body got froze & my innocent mind didn't able to process what was going on.
I just did what he said more like what he forced me to do.-_-

I gave a brake on my thoughts so that i came back to reality.

Where we are? - i asked confusion written all over my face.

I don't know - he coolly said

What do you mean you don't know!!
You dragged me all the way here, now you are saying you don't know where we are!! Are you crazy!!- i said in one breath with panicking

Just chill!! I know where we are.

Blood rushed to my cheeks due to anger. I grabbed his collar brought his face to my eye level.
Listen carefully! I don't know anything. You will be the one who will be responsible to bring me back to my plack with sound and safe. - i said with gritted teeth.

He let himself from my grip.
Arraso!! Just give me back my phone. Just one call it will do a magic - he said with confidence.

I gave back his phone. He furrowed his eyebrows as he checked again & again.
He tilted up his his chin to look at me with a pissed expression.

Why i feel like something bad is going to happen.

Yahh!! Pumpkin!! Why didn't you charge my phone.

My eyes grew wide @_@

Obviously!! I didn't notice it and give me one good reason that i was going to waste my precious electricity on your shitty phone!!- i argued

Now we are struck here!! Thanks to you!! I don't even remember my hyung's number- he ruffled his hair out of frustration.

Why are putting blame on me!! It's your fault we are here now.
If you were not such a....

I stopped myself to further arguing because mouse inside my stomach dancing like no tomorrow. My all energy already drained because of running.

I scanned whole are as my eyes caught a small restaurant near by.

Finally food!!
I don't need his help for get out of this place. I can find my own way. But first let me take my breakfast.

I took a step towards restaurant completely ignoring him what he was saying. Because i don't care. It's not my business anymore.

I reached at restaurant. To my luck i got a seat as restaurant is already packed. I was about to order for myself then suddenly that snobby dork took a seat in front of me.

What are you doing? Why are you following me here!!

You are not even that worth to following. First i m here because to eat like normal people do & second it was the only seat available here.

We both ordered our food completely ignoring each other. I have our food in silence . It was awkward though but it's better than arguing.

Me & that snobby stranger got up from seat & leave towards cash counter for paying.

As i was paying the bill, i noticed that dork's face painted with nervousness his hands searched something nook & cranny of his pockets.

Don't tell me he don't have money. Poor guy. He ate food without checking if he had money or not. How irresponsible!!

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