"You'd make a cute couple!"

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Hey! Just lettin ya know that (O/f/n) stands for -other friends name- okay continue on!

I rolled over in bed, hearing my phone go off annoyingly, knowing it would eventually turn off I just let it ring. A couple minutes went by and it was still ringing but I was just too lazy to open my eyes and make my arms function and leave the warmth the blanket provided me, but suddenly I heard loud thumps coming towards me room at a fast pace..,Then a very loud thump as if someone...fell?. I groggily opened my eyes and heard the loud thumps start to make their way to me room again, just as I suspected Anti came trudging through my door shirtless with only his boxers on, eyes half closed as his hair went in every direction, he made his way to my bedside table and stopped, closing his eyes and standing still for a couple seconds before slowly reaching his finger out and hitting the stop button in my phone, then turning around heading back to my door "Anti?" I mumbled rubbing my eyes and sitting up "hmm?" Anti responded stopping in his tracks, but didn't turn around, most likely due to the fact that he was tired like me "Did you fall?" I asked raising a brow and trying not to giggle. Anti stood for a second or two, then just left the room "I'm taking that as a yes?" I called out pulling the covers off myself and swinging my legs off the bed "Nope, the floor just needed a hug" Anti yelled back sounding cocky as usual "Since when are you nice enough to hug someone, let alone a floor?" I questioned smiling as I stood up and stretched, he didn't answer. I giggled and checked my phone
Text message
(Y/f):Hey I'll be over at 2 or earlier! Better be ready!
End of text message
My eyes went wide, "What time is it now?" I muttered checking the time. 12:50. I dropped my phone on my bed and rushed to my closet pulling on a (f/c) hoodie with my black leggings (or whatever you prefer), scrambling to my bathroom to put on my make up (if you wear any). "ANTI GET FUCKIN DRESSED NOW!" I screeched running down my hall pulling my hair into a bun (or whatever hairstyle you like). "Why? You can't tell me what to do" Anti mocked back as he sat up from the couch, still shirtless "MY FRIENDS GUNNA SURPRISE VISIT ME SO GET YOUR ASS OFF MY COUCH AND INTO THOSE JEANS THAT ARE LAYING ON MY FLOOR!" I commanded loudly, as I left the living room and entered the kitchen cleaning up whatever mess was in there while Anti scrambled to get dressed and look half presentable.
~Time skip~
I nervously ran to the door where (O/f/n) was violently ringing my doorbell. I grabbed the handle twisting it and swinging it open seeing (Gender) smiling face "Hey (y/n)!" They exclaimed hugging me tightly "Hey (O/f/n), um I have someone staying he- They cut me off by screeching excitedly and ran passed me "Wait no!". They jumped on to Anti hugging him, Anti growled making a disgusted face as he tried to pry them off without hurting them, I sighed and made my way over, practically peeling (o/f/n) off of Anti. Anti ran and hid behind me ducking down, thinking he was hiding well "Oh (Y/n)! You did NOT tell me you had someone over" They winked with a smirk, I shook my head rubbing my temples "No, it's not like that" I huffed looking back up into their eyes, "Uh huh, that's why he's hiding behind you?" They teased, "He's hiding behind me because you scared him" I growled already annoyed with them "Oh okay, if he's not your boy toy, ehem, I mean boyfriend then what is he and why is he here?" They asked folding their arms over their chest raising an eyebrow "He's a friend/roommate...." I answered my face blank without any expression "Yeah, um when are you leaving anyway?" Anti asked irritated as he looked over my shoulder standing up, towering over me "Oh I dunno, I was thinking of staying a couple of weeks! Is that okay with you (Y/n)?" They asked innocently "I gue- cut off again "NOPE!" Anti screamed picking them up and running to the door, literally throwing them out of the door, but when he did "YOU TWO WOULD MAKE A CUTE COUPLE" Anti quickly slammed my door, locking it then running back to me picking me up bridal style and carrying me upstairs to me room where he hid us in my closet. "Anti, they aren't that bad once you get used to them..."I sighed giggling a bit "What happened to the tough bad boy?" I could feel Anti's death glare piercing through my soul "I cannot handle annoying people..." he responded through clenched teeth as he shuffled around, I was about to say something but I heard a Big Bang coming from his side of the closet then a loud groaning noise "Anti?"-".......what?...."-"Did you hit your head?"-".........Fuck you........."

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