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I walked out of my room rubbing my head. Last night....Anti...he must be upset, doing that he wasn't in bed when I woke up this morning. "Anti?" I called out as I stood in the entrance of the hallway, I waited patiently for an answer but nothing happened. I sighed and made my way into the kitchen 'maybe he's embarrassed and went out for a bit' I thought trying to shake the thought off, I entered the kitchen and immediately saw Anti slaving over the stove top, trying to make something. I smiled instantly "Need any help?" I asked innocently walking beside him and looking at his pan, with pancakes and by the looks of it, he had just poured he mix onto it. "Jesus!" Anti jumped looking at me surprised "(Y/n)! Don't scare me like that! And no I don't, but I could use the company" Anti huffed out. I smiled and jumped on the counter next to the stove. We just sat silently for a while, it was kinda awkward and I decided to end it "Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for last night" I apologized looking at my feet with a sad expression, causing Anti to look up from what he was doing "Um, for what? Your on your period and I understand" Anti chuckled lifting my chin with his index finger making me smile. "If you didn't plan on burning your pancakes, I would pay more attention to them then me" I giggled as Anti gave me a confused look, then shifted his gaze towards his food. "Fuck!" He cursed trying desperately to save them, making me laugh again "I won't distract you!" I said as I jumped off the counter and walked off. I was outside on the porch, staring at the was a peaceful pinky purple with some blue in it. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Such a beauty" A low raspy voice emitted from behind me, and before I knew it...I was out.
Anti's POV
I grumbled angrily as I took my burnt pancakes and stomped over to the garbage can, opening it and dropping them on all the other burnt pancakes I had thrown out, I just couldn't get it, I couldn't make her the perfect breakfast. I sighed out in frustration then an idea hit me "If we cook them together, they won't be burnt and we can bond a little!" I chimed happily smiling to myself. 'Wait, since when do I ever smile?' I thought making a disgruntled face but then soon shaking it off 'No, I know exactly's her....'. After that thought I shrugged at myself and walked into the living room, grabbing my red burgundy hoodie, throwing it on over my white t-shirt. I looked at the door "I watched her go out it without shoes so I'm guessing she's just sitting out there" I mumbled stumbling over to the door I opened it and didn't see anyone there except for a little note. I raised a brow and looked around to see if I could spot anyone, before I stepped out of the house closing the door and kneeling down, picking up the paper with my name in hand writing on the cover.
I opened the letter and it read "Hello Anti, beastiplier here. I have watched you for over a year now and you are one tough boy, I'll give you that, but recently you've been getting very...soft. I've been trying to find your weak spot, and I've failed so many times, you were heartless, and now I have the one thing you care for more than yourself! If you want her...come and get her. Oh man I love seeing you weak again!"
I felt my blood boiling, as my breathing sped up into an unhealthy pace. I crumpled the note and shoved it into my pocket slowly standing up, I clenched my fists "You dumb ass, if it wasn't for you she wouldn't be in harm!" I shouted at myself gripping my head closing my eyes. I screamed out, as loud as I could, it pained pained me to even think about what he could be doing to her. I opened my eyes and let my arms down before jumping down the stairs of her house and landing perfectly running off down the street, one foot in front of the other. My arms in sync with my legs. My complete demonic side has now taken over, and there's almost no way of stopping it.
~time skip~
I searched...and searched but I couldn't find her. I slid down a dark alley wall, soaked with rain and sweat from running. All my emotions, anger, guilt, fear, sadness were racing through my mind like a tornado. I dropped my head into my hands and did something I haven't done in a very long time.
I cried...I cried until there was no tears left, sniffling, balling, just completely draining myself of all my energy. 'I need help' I thought as I sniffled a little bit as I pulled out my phone dialling his number in. I put it up to my ear and listened to it ring a couple times until he picked up.
"Ugh, Anti what the hell do you want?" Jack snarled, I could practically see his glare through his voice. "J-Jack" My voice cracked, as a single tear slid down my face. It was silent for a couple seconds "Anti? Are you okay?" Jack questioned, his tone softening "I found someone, and I really love them...but h-he took her away from me!" I cried out, my shaky voice cracking as I almost started to bawl again "What? Oh...Okay where are you? I'm coming to help...."
~time skip~
I waited out on the street where I told Jack to meet me. I could barely see through the blurryness of the tears in my eyes. I hugged myself as I watched the rain hit the ground and scatter into little droplets that soon merged into one big puddle. 'She didn't deserve this'. Suddenly there was loud footsteps coming my way, I slowly looked up to see Jack in his black coat, and black jeans with rips in the knee running towards me, his hair wet. He slowed down in front of me, I looked him in he eye, watching some water droplets slide off his eyebrows and down his face, his breathing was heavy as was mine, but for a different reason. Jack engulfed me into a hug, resting my head on his shoulder. I reached my hands under his arms and hugged him tightly, I soon started crying into his shoulder.
"Tell me! Where the fuck is she?!" I shouted through clenched teeth as I had Tim by the throat up against the wall. "For-the" Tim paused "last time, I don't know!" He wheezed grabbing my wrists as he squinted his eyes shut. I grunted 'Okay so he apparently doesn't know...'. I dropped Tim and turned around, walking to the door opening it up "Wait! Dark! I want to help!" Tim called getting up off the floor and running over to me holding my shoulder. 'Boy this guys dumb'. I nodded and walked out the door.
~Time skip~
"Any luck?" Time yelled from across the street, "No!" I shook my head falling to my knees. I felt the tears threatening to spill. I hugged myself as I just gave up and let them fall down. I felt arms wrap around me "It's okay Dark, someone like you needs to learn how to express this kind of emotion" Tim explained as he hugged me. "I just don't know where she could be" I sputtered looking up at Tim, who was fully listening to me.
Lightning struck, lighting up the sky, ten seconds later the thunder struck. "I dunno Dark, wait is here any way you can track her or something?" Tim asked as he stood up looking off into the distance "Um, no" I choked out standing up beside him, trying to pull myself together. "Hmm, were you on anyone's bad sides lately?" Tim questioned raising a brow. I thought about it for a second. "Now I get it..."I grunted angrily.
(Y/n) was supposed to be home an hour ago, and I've tried to call her, but nothing's working. I nervously paved her front window, watching eagerly to see if I was overreacting and everything was okay.
Buzz buzz
I looked down at my phone and gasped as my heart sank
(Y/n): Will, this man forced me into the back of his van, I don't know where we are or where we're going but please help. I'm telling you this now before he notices I have a phone with me. Please help! Please!
Me: wait (Y/n)! I'll help! Don't worry and don't do anything to get yourself hurt I'll be there right away!
I shoved my phone into my pocket grabbing my little golden gun and ran out the door not even bothering closing it behind me, wait...I ran back up and closed the door before turning and running to her car (you walked) and speeding off, I got out my phone and seen she sent me the directions to where she was. I was quick to follow. I held my phone out in front of me as I tried desperately to catch them before they got too far. "I'm sorry (Y/n)!" I whispered weakly as I made a sharp turn. I watched as the phone started to beep, then turned off "Shit!" I cursed out as I threw it behind me and tried to memorize the directions.

After I looked around the house I really couldn't find (Y/n), she just wasn't here and that's when bad brought started to cross my mind. I shivered as I tried to call my best friend Alex for some help. It rung a few times then she picked up "hey Jg! What's up?" She asked cheerily "Alex! I need your help! My friend is missing!" I screamed through the phone. "Whoah, it's okay I'll be right over!". I hung up and ran out the door and waited for her to arrive. I paced my front lawn and heard a roar of an engine I knew all too well. I looked to my left and watched as Alex wheelies over in her black turbo super motto. She stopped on my lawn and handed me a helmet. I shoved it on and got on the back of her bike, holding on tightly, embracing for her crazy driving. Alex let off the clutch and gave it gas, spinning out on my lawn, then went shooting out onto the road where we started out search for (Y/n).

"Glitch!" I yelled slamming my fists onto my door "Help! GLITCH!" I screamed out hoping he would open the door, I quickly looked behind me and seen the man run up behind me and grab me by my waist "FUCKIN LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW!" I screeched trying to pry his arms off me, kicking furiously. The man started to drag me off, loosing all hope I gave up as tears spilled down my face, he was just opening his van door as Glitch opened my door and looked around before spotting me and running over, the man threw me in and locked it as he ran to the drivers door getting in and starting the van. I got up and slammed my hands on the window as glitch yanked on the handle trying to open it. I looked around the window, for some sort of escape finding that the window opened but I was too big to fit through it. I pulled it open and desperately stuck my arm through "Glitch please!" I pleaded helplessly holding his hand as the van started to drive away. Glitch started running after the van, holding my hand "I promise! I will get you!" He called out, his worried expression growing more as he started to run as fast as he could, and slowly he started to let go of my hand...I screamed of sadness as his soft touch left mine. I reached out for him again, knowing deep down I would probably never see him again. "Glitch I love you!" I yelled as the man sped off
Glitch's POV
I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, trying to keep up with the van. (Y/n)'a sad tear filled face, is the image that will haunt me...I slowly started to let go, because I just couldn't run fast enough. I was far back now trying ever so desperately to keep up in hopes he'd have to turn or something. "Glitch!" Was he last thing I heard come out of her precious mouth. I slowed down and breathed out heavily. I bent down and put my hands on my knees as my head hung low. "I will find you...and I will kill you" I grunted looking back up and running off into the direction I last seen the van go in.

(Y/n) was kidnapped at the store today, all because she was too stubborn to let me accompany her. I walked around the city, scanning each and every building, searching for her life source. I didn't want to lose her, she was...special. Lately I've had strange feeling when I'm with her, they are unexplainable, even for me but that doesn't matter now, what matters is how I'm going to find her. I found a life source like hers, but not, Curious I followed into an alley and seen a girl who looked like Jg's friend Alex sitting in the ground. "Aye, Google, nice to finally meet you" She stood up, walking over to me "The named Lex, and I'd like to help you find (Y/n)".

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