Episode 6: Rockin' The Floor With Roark

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  As Katie, Max and Daniel were heading to the Oreburg Gym, they ran into Cooper, who was rushing out of the town! He stopped and said "Oh, hey guys!" "Hey Cooper," Daniel said. "Sup?" "Nothin' much, except this!" Cooper whipped out a gym badge from the Oreburg Gym. "Wow," Max said in amazement. "That's amazing!" Cooper asked "Umm....whose your friend here?" 

"Max," He introduced. "I've come here from the Hoenn Region. I had a pretty rough road there with the Gym Leaders, so I figured I'd try out the Sinnoh Region!" Cooper said "Well best of luck to you! But if you guys are going to go fight Roark right now, some trainer just went in there right after me. I think they still may be fighting." "Well let's go watch!" They all ran off to the gym.

They got to the balcony of the gym to see it was Duke. "Duke!" Daniel yelped in shock. "He's here?!" Duke overheard Daniel and glared at him from the battlefield. Without speaking a single word, he huffed turned his attention back to the battle. Daniel firmly grasped the railing of the balconing, not happy to see Duke had beaten to the gym before him. 

Duke's Ambipom appeared to be nearing a well fought battle with Roark's Geodude. Max said "Oh wow! Roark has a Geodude!" "Geodude?" Daniel questioned. He whipped out his Pokedex and scanned Geodude. It said "Geodude, the Rock Pokémon. It uses its arms to steadily climb steep mountain paths. It swings its fists around if angered." Katie said "Wow. It seems like a powerful pokemon." "Fit for a Gym Leader, if you ask me." 

Roark said "Alright Duke, I admit, you're good! But it's time to take this to the next level! Geodude, use rock throw!" Geodude summoned rocks from the ground and hurled them at Ambipom. Duke said "Ambipom, jump off the rocks and strike with Double Hit, let's go!" Ambipom agilely leaped off each of the rocks and slapped it once with each of its tails once. It finished off by slapping it with both of its hand tails. Geodude hit the ground twice as it went flying into the wall and fainted on the impact of hitting the wall. "Geodude is unable to battle," The Referree said. "Ambipom wins!" 

"Wow," Katie said. "Double Hit is a normal type move. Geodude should've been able to eat that." Max intruded "It is most likely a result of Ampibom's ability, Technician." "Technician?" Daniel questioned. "What does that do?" "Technician is an ability that makes moves that are normally fairly weak tremendously powerful," Max explained, "So in this case, Double Hit is normally not a very powerful move, but thanks to technician, Double Hit recieved an increased power buff and really packs a punch." "Whoa," Daniel said in amazement, "Duke may be harsh on his Pokemon, but he sure knows what he's doing...." 

Roark pulled out his next pokeball. He said "Alright, you may have gotten the best of my Geodude, but let's see how you handle Onix!" A large, rock looking snake came out of the pokeball with a horn on his head. It's body looked like a bunch of bolders put together that formed a gigantic snake.

 Katie pulled out her Pokedex and asked herself"So that's an Onix?" The pokedex read "Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon. It rapidly bores through the ground at 50 mph by squirming and twisting its massive, rugged body. Opening its large mouth, it ingests massive amounts of soil and creates long tunnels." Katie said "Wow, can a huge pokemon like that really move that fast?" Daniel replied "I doubt as fast as Duke's Ambipom." 

The referee said "The match between Ambipom and Onix will now begin!" Roark said "Alright Onix, into the ground!" "Fake Out," Duke ordered. Faster than Onix could dig into the ground, Ambipom clapped Onix's head together with its two hand-like tails. Duke said "Now double hit." It followed up with a powerful slap from one of its tail to the other tail, which followed with another slap. Finally, Ambipom slammed its tails into Onix's head, slamming it on the ground, knocking out Onix. "Onix is unable to battle," The referee said. "Ambipom is the winner!" Roark was amazed by Ambipom's power. 

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