Episode 1 : The Journey Begins!

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  "Pikachu! You okay?" Saying it's faintly and weak, Pikachu struggled to get up ready to push on. Ash said "Okay, Pikachu. We can do this, buddy! Volt tackle, full power!" The other trainer said "Oh no you don't! Blaziken, brave bird now!" The Pikachu and Blaziken made a head on collision, causing a huge explosion. All of this was happening on T.V. a kid named Daniel was watching it, hyped up from the battle.

Daniel's mom walked in the room asking "You're still watching Ash's battles?" Daniel nodded yes. "I can't believe Ash has grown to be so strong..." She said "I know. It's hard to believe only 3 years ago, you two were so close of friends playing together outside." Daniel agreed "Yeah. It's too bad we had to move to the Jhoto Region...." He seemed a little sad.

Perking back up, he said "But in a few days, I'm going to be a Pokemon trainer too!" She asked "So, have you thought of who your starters going to be? You can choose from Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totidile." None of them." He replied. She looked surprised.

Daniel turned around from the TV. "You know that Aipom I've been playing with?" He asked his mother. Not giving her anytime to respond, he continued "I was thinking it would let me capture it." His mom refused by arguing "You won't even have any Pokémon with you. It's a wild Pokemon, Daniel. What if it attacks you?" "It's not going to attack me mom," He reassured. "We're best buds." She said in disagreement "It's too risky, Daniel. We're going to go down to professor Elm's lab and you'll pick one of the starters he has to offer there. Now I want you to throw away this silly idea of trying to catch a wild Pokemon on you own and think long and hard about which starter you're going to pick, okay?"

He went over to his drawer and pulled out an all red Pokeball that had a black line going across it. His mom asked "What's that? A Pokeball?" "Not just any Pokeball" He corrected. "A Cherish Ball. Dad gave it to me a long time ago. It was about the same time Ash left. I can catch Aipom with this." She said "No. you're getting a Pokémon from Professor Oak and that's final." Daniel said "Fine. I'm going to route 1." His mom yelled "Be careful of wild Pokémon!" "AIPOM will protect me!" He yelled back. He closed the door behind him and went off to go visit his special friend, Aipom.

He finally made it to route 1. He said "Aipom! It's me, Daniel! You can come out now!" A pink Aipom slid down from a tree. It kind of seemed to sparkle when it landed on the ground. It looked happy to see Daniel. He knelt down to Aipom and picked him up, happily laughing to see his friend. He told Aipom "Only two more days, Aipom. Then, I'm going to catch you and you can be at my side forever." Aipom jumped in joy.

Coming onto the route, a girl's voice asked "Daniel? Is that you?" A girl walked up to Daniel. He said "Hi Katie." "Hey Daniel," She said back. She knelt down and said "Hi Aipom!" Aipom closed its eyes smiling and waved. She said "Hey Daniel, you want to see my starter?" He said "Sure." She pulled out her Poke ball and said "Come out, Dratini!" A Dratini popped out. Daniel said "That's amazing. It can be a strong Dragonite one day." She said "I know. We're going to be best friends."

Daniel asked "Why didn't you choose one of the 3 starters Professor Elm was offering?" She answered "I was going to choose Totidile, but my dad gave me his one as a present since he help all the Pokemon Professors in their research of Pokemon. Just like your mom does." She turned to Aipom and began to tickle it. It happily laughed.

"So I'm guessing Aipom is going to be your starter?" Aipom jumped out of Daniel's arms and began to dance in excitement." He said "No, my mom won't let me." Aipom fell off its tail and fell on its face." Daniel picked up Aipom and said "Don't worry, Aipom. The second I get my starter you're going to be the first Pokémon I catch. Promise." Aipom smiled.

A boy's voice said "There you two are." Coming onto the route, a boy approached them. Katie said "Hey Cooper." Cooper said "I'm going to choose Totidile!" "That's great," Katie said. Cooper asked "You about to get going on your journey, Katie?" "And leave you two?" She asked. "No way," She disagreed. "We can all leave at the same time. I can wait." Cooper said "Daniel, you and that Aipom are going to make a great team." He said "Yeah. I just wish he could be my starter." Cooper added "At least he gets to travel at your side, though.
Later on, Cooper and Katie left. Daniel said "Alright, Aipom. It's getting late. I'm going to go back home. See you tomorrow." Aipom smiled at Daniel and climbed up the tree. Daniel began to make his way back home.

When he got home, his brother called. He said he was going to be home for his birthday with a special birthday present for him. His brother was a top-ace trainer longer than Ash. He's won the Kanto League, Jhoto League and defeated the Elite 4 in the Hoenn region and placed in the top 2 in the Hoenn League. Daniel hoped to be as strong as him one day.

The next day flew by and Daniel still had no idea who his starter was going to be. That night he went to go visit Aipom again. He yelled "Aipom! You still awake?" the Aipom peeked out the tree hanging upside down. It jumped out the tree and onto Daniel's head. Daniel laid on the grass, looking at the stars. Aipom did the same. "Tomorrow I turn 10 and I still don't know who I'm going to choose. Maybe I'll get a Cyndaquil like by bro...it can grow into a strong Tysphlosion. Or I can get Totidile and it'll become a Feraligatr. Then there's Chikorita...oh they're all so good." He looked at Aipom. "I wish I could choose you, Aipom. You've always had my back." He rubbed Aipom's head as it endearingly smiled at him.

Daniel got up. Aipom got back on Daniel's blue and black hat and held two fingers on its tail outward in front of him. Daniel said "You must be really excited about tomorrow. As soon as I get my starter, I'm coming straight here for a battle. I promise." Aipom jumped off Daniel's head, skipping back and forth. It ran back up the tree to get some sleep. Daniel said "Yeah, I guess it's pretty late. Good night, Aipom. See you in the morning." He could hear Aipom saying its name. Daniel returned back to his house.

As he walked in the house, he noticed Machoke were taking out moving boxes to the truck. He asked "Mom, what's going on? She replied "Professor Elm asked me and Katie's dad and Cooper's dad to research in the Sinnoh Region. Our flight leaves at 11:00 AM, so we have to leave early tomorrow. He asked "What about Aipom?" she said "You'll meet so many more new Pokemon. We can't take him with us." He pulled out his Cherish Ball. "I'll be 10 in a few hours. Can I please go catch it now?" she replied "No. You still don't have any Pokemon with you. Besides, you won't even be able to have time to even pick a starter here, now. We made arrangements with Professor Rowan for you to pick one of the Starters there for you." She put her hand on Kelsie's shoulder, and sincerely said "I'm really sorry, Daniel. I know you really wanted to capture Aipom so he could travel with you."

All of a sudden, his brother burst into the door, yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DANIEL!" A Machop was wearing a birthday hat with its hands in the air. His partner, Quilava, was also by his side, spouting out fireworks from its head to help add to the celebration. Daniel asked "Machop?! Is that really you?" Machop said its name then flexed. Daniel said "Mom! It's that Machop I caught by accident so long ago! I can use it to catch Aipom!" She said "Sorry, Daniel, but you have to wait until tomorrow. And there's no time for a battle before we leave." He said "But mom...." "No buts," She argued. "Now go to bed. We have a long day tomorrow." Daniel stormed up to his room. His brother looked confused. "Can I at least get a hello?" He asked.

The next day, the Machoke loaded the last box on the moving truck. Daniel and his family were heading towards the airport. Daniel asked "Mom, can I please say goodbye to Aipom? He's expecting me to come today." She said "Alright Daniel, just make it quick. We're running late." Daniel said "Aipom, come on out!" Aipom hopped out the tree spinning, landing on its tail. It got on its feet and stood in a fighting position, leaping left to right. He said "Aipom, I can't fight you, I still don't have my starter. I'm moving." Aipom's smile turned into a frown. He ran to hug Daniel's leg as a sign to tell him not to go. Daniel grabbed Aipom and said "You're going to have to stay here in the Jhoto region. I'm sorry." Daniel was trying his hardest not to cry.

Aipom climbed on Daniel's back, winning its name asking Daniel to take it with him. He grabbed Aipom again and said "No. I can't take you. You're an amazing Pokemon, Aipom. Some lucky trainer will find you and you two will be great partners." He placed down Aipom, but Aipom still looked sad. Daniel said "Unfortunately I won't be that lucky trainer." Finally, a tear rolled down Daniel's face. "Goodbye, Aipom..." Daniel and his family began to walk off. Aipom looked at them until they were out of sight. His face was crushed. Its heart had just been shattered into a million pieces. Aipom hung his head and a tear fell to the ground. Aipom's face got adamant and he began to chase after Daniel. He headed in the direction of the airport.
Daniel and his family, along with Katie and Cooper's family were boarding the plane. Aipom tried to run faster. He barely made it through the gate that closed, which would have blocked off his way to Daniel. However, the door to the inside of the plane was already closed and the plane was getting ready to take off. Aipom found an open window though and made a big leap onto the plane, barely making it in safely. He caught the window with its tail and it climbed in the plane. It hid in a secret compartment of the plane for the rest of the ride.

Meanwhile on the plane, Daniel's brother was sitting next to him. His brother could tell Daniel was still heartbroken that he couldn't take Aipom with them. He said "Here you go, Daniel. It's your birthday present." He opened the present and saw a great ball inside. "It's Machop's Pokeball," He explained. "You know, the one you caught by accident. I know it's not Aipom but hey...this Machop thinks pretty highly of you too." Daniel pushed the present box over to his brother and said "Hey Kelsie, could you hold onto it for me? I'll take it later." His brother, Kelsie, replied "No problem, bro. I'll train this thing into shape in no time."

Kelsie's Quilava jumped onto Daniel's lap. It rubbed its head against Daniel's stomach, trying to comfort him. "Tysbone can feel your pain," Kelsie said. "I know it's hard, bro. But you have to move on. Mom was right; you're going to meet so many more Pokemon out there." He patted his Quilava, Tysbone. "Look at me and Tysbone? We met on my first day as a trainer and now we're best buds. What I'm getting at is the starter you pick will be an awesome one. Just don't treat it wrongly because it's not Aipom, alright?" Daniel smiled. "Thanks Kelsie," He said, "You always know how to cheer me up." Kelsie chuckled. "Hey, it's my job as an older brother."

Later on in the flight, almost everyone was asleep except for Daniel. He looked over and saw Katie and Dratini. They were both sound asleep. Dratini was curled up in a spiral around Katie's lap and Katie's head was resting on the plane's window. Daniel said "I really wish Aipom was here." He saw a Sinnoh region guide pamphlet. He quickly searched for the trainers' section. He saw the regions three basic starters: Piplup, Chimchar and Turtwig. Daniel said to himself "Piplup looks pretty awesome. I think I'm going to pick him."

The plane finally came to a rough landing, startling everyone on the plane and waking them up. Daniel looked over at Katie again and he saw she was looking at the pamphlet too. As they were getting off the plane, Katie asked "You think Professor Rowan will let me get a Chimchar? I really want that thing. He looks so cute! I hope he makes an exception even though I'm already an official trainer. "Cooper said "You can have Chimchar, I want Turtwig!" "He's all yours," Katie said.

They walked out the airport to get their luggage in a moving van that was waiting for them. Aipom quickly caught up with them, rushing out the airport. He was too later though, as the moving van had already left the airport. Aipom looked disappointed. All of a sudden, a Ditto caught Aipom's attention. It told Aipom to follow it, and it did just that.
Daniel's friends and family were stepping out of the van. They looked at the massive research lab in front of them. Daniel's mom said "Before we move into our new homes, I figured you guys would like to get your first pokemon first." Cooper said "Alright! Turtwig, here I come!" He rushed inside. Daniel followed behind him.

Meanwhile, the Ditto and Aipom walked up to the lab once they were all inside. Aipom saw Daniel inside and immediately jumped in joy. It ran across the street, eager to show Daniel that it made it to the Sinnoh region.

A man in a white lab coat and white hair greeted Daniel and his friends as they walked in the door. "You must be the new trainers from New Bark Town. My name is Professor Rowan." Cooper said "Sweet! Hey Prof, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but when can we get our starters?" He laughed and said "Well aren't we the eager ones, now are we? Come now, right this way." He led them to the starters. They were all sitting on a table waiting for Daniel, Cooper and Katie to walk up. The professor said "This is Chimchar, Turtwig and Piplup. Please. Take one."

Cooper said "I choose Turtwig!" Turtwig looked happy he was chosen. He leaped of the table and stood in front of Cooper. Professor Rowan handed him Turtwig's Pokeball and said "Here you are. Turtwig's Pokeball." Cooper held the Pokeball in front of him, returning him inside the Pokeball. Katie shyly asked "Um, professor. I already have my starter, Dratini, but I was wondering if I could still get a Chimchar? He just looks so cute and I really want one." Professor Rowan replied "Hmmm.....very well then. You may take Chimchar." She said "Yay!" She opened her arms and Chimchar jumped right in them, grabbing onto her body like it was a tree. It jumped down and began to play with Dratini. He looked at Daniel and said "That leaves only you. Piplup is all I have left. If you would like one of the other two, I'm afraid you will have to return on another day." Daniel said in a disappointed voice "It's okay. I was going to choose Piplup anyway."

Professor Rowan said "When new trainers receive their starter, they are filled with excitement and joy. What's the matter, lad? Would you rather like a Chimchar or Turtwig?" his mom replied "He wanted this wild Aipom back in New Bark Town to become his starter." Professor Rowan said "Well, while I'm sure Aipom was a fabulous Pokemon, I'm sure you'll have some great adventures with Piplup as well." Piplup said its name proudly. Daniel tried his hardest to smile at Piplup, although it was a very weak and faint one. He said "Okay then, I'll choose Piplup."

As he was reaching for Piplup, an Aipom and Ditto could be heard making noise from outside. "It sounds like an Aipom and Ditto outside making trouble. I'll take care of this." Professor Rowan said "I apologize, Daniel. Please hold on a second. This won't take long at all." Daniel said "Take your time." He said to himself "Aipom..." His mom said "Don't worry, sweetie. One day, we will go back to New Bark Town and catch that Aipom for you." He said "Some lucky trainer may have caught him by them. He was a special Pokemon, after all."

The professor said "Hm! This is a rare sight. A pink Aipom!" Daniel said in shock "Aipom?!" Everyone ran to the door. Once Daniel saw the Aipom and Ditto he cried "Aipom! It's really you!" Aipom said its name in joy and held up two fingers with its tail smiling. Professor Rowan said "So this is really the same Aipom that you mentioned was all the way back in New Bark Town?" his mom asked "How do you even know it's the same Aipom?" Daniel asked "How many pink Aipom do YOU know?! They're usually purple. Besides, he put up two fingers like mine did whenever he saw me. That's his way of saying hello to me!" Aipom said its name happily. Daniel said to Aipom "You came all this way just to be with me, didn't you?" Aipom happily said its name one last time.

His mom said "Daniel, go inside and pick Piplup as your starter first. You can come back out here and have a battle with Aipom afterwards." Professor Rowan said "I've never seen this type of bond with a wild Pokemon and a human before. Let Aipom be Daniel's starter. It will make their bond even stronger. Daniel is still welcome to take Piplup if he so pleases. "His mom said "If you really feel it's safe, it's fine by me." Professor Rowan reassured "Don't you worry. If anything is to happen, I'm here. I'm a professional, after all."

Daniel knelt down to Aipom and pulled his cherish ball out his bag. He asked "You ready, Aipom?" Aipom closed its eyes, smiling and clapping its hands as it hopped up and down. Daniel said "Okay then! Go, Cherish Ball!" Aipom went inside the ball. It wobbled back and forth a few times as the red dot in the middle flashed a few times. Once it stopped and made a ding noise, Daniel picked up the Cherish Ball. "Alright! I caught Aipom!" Katie said "Congrats, Daniel! I'm so happy for you two!"

The Ditto slowly walked up to Cooper. It blinked twice and stared into Cooper's eyes. Cooper said "Umm...what's up with this Ditto? It's kind of creeping me out." Professor answered "It must like you. Take this Pokeball to capture it." Cooper caught the pokeball and used it to capture Ditto.

Professor Rowan said "Well that's enough excitement for one day. By the way Daniel, here is Piplup's pokeball. I'm sure you two will be great partners and share some amazing battles together." Daniel smiled and said "Thanks, I think so too." Without Daniel even trying, Aipom popped out of his Cherish Ball." Daniel asked "Did Aipom just break free?" "No," Prof responded. "On occasions, a Pokemon may prefer to travel outside of its pokeball. It appears Aipom is one of those Pokemon. Katie added "That's true! Dratini hates her pokeball too!"

Daniel asked "Is that true?" Aipom quickly nodded its head yes. Cooper asked "How about you Ditto? Would you like that too?" Ditto nodded its head yes. Cooper said "Alright then, let's get this show on the road!" And with that, Cooper and Ditto ran off down the road.

Daniel's mom said "Katie, I'll tell your mom you left for your journey. You kids don't forget to call!" Daniel promised "I won't!" Professor Rowan handed them both each 5 Pokeballs and a Pokedex. Prof said "Here are your starting materials. If you catch up with Cooper, give them to him as well." Daniel said "Will do, Professor!" Daniel and Katie walked off, waving goodbye to everyone. Daniel and Aipom knew that their journey was just beginning and new adventures were just waiting for them around every corner.  

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