Episode 7: A Battle Against The Stonewall Roark!!!

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  Previously, Daniel and his friends witnessed his rival Duke take a commanding 3-0 victory against the Gym Leader Roark using skillful tactics and planning to overcome Roark's overwhelming defenses. However, Daniel has now stepped up to the plate and is now challenging Roark to a gym battle first thing in the morning for his first ever official league badge to take his first step in becoming the world's strongest Pokemon Trainer. Will Daniel emerge victorious, or will he fall victim to Roark's traps?  

Katie Max and Daniel decided to rent a hotel room for the night as oppose to sleeping under the stars. After everyone had fallen asleep, Daniel was still tossing and turning in his bed, anxious about his battle tomorrow. He finally decided to get out his bed and go for a walk. Aipom heard his exit the room and quickly followed behind him. 

When Daniel got outside the hotel, Aipom was yelling it's name. "Oh hey, buddy. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Aipom happily said it's name as if it didn't mind and energetically jumped on Daniel's shoulder.  Daniel said "It's just like we always talked about, huh? Tomorrow is our very first gym battle and our first step to proving to the world we're going to be the world's strongest Pokemon Trainer. Off in the distance, he heard someone. "Who is up at this time of night?" Daniel asked himself. Curious to see what was going on, he followed the voice to see where it was coming from. 

When he found the voice, it led him right to Roark, training alongside his Geodude, Onix and Rampardos. Daniel decided not to interrupt him and remained silent. "Roark must be really worked up after his defeat against Duke...I can imagine he's not going to show me any mercy tomorrow." Daniel concluded. Aipom said it's name in a serious tone. "Let's respond to his training by giving him our best efforts as well, okay Aipom?" Aipom said it's name more determined than ever. 

The next day, Roark and Daniel met up in the Oreburg gym. Roark said "Daniel, I am well prepared for our match today. I've trained long and hard with my Pokemon for this very moment. I hope you are equally prepared." Daniel pulled out his pokeball and responded "You bet we are!" Aipom said it's name fired up as well. Roark looked excited about Daniel's response, obviously looking forward to an amazing battle. Max asked Katie "You think Daniel can really pull through this match?" "I really hope so," She said her name worried. Dratini didn't sound too happy either. Cooper said "You guys worry too much. He's got this one in the bag. Go Daniel!" 

The referee said "This will be an official gym battle between the challenger Daniel and the Gym Leader, Roark! Each trainer will use 3 of their pokemon. Each trainer is only permitted to use 3 Pokemon in this battle. Futhermore, the challenger is permitted to substitute Pokemon at any point in the battle, while the gym leader must keep his Pokemon in at all times. With all that out of the way, let the battle begin!" Roark pulled out his pokeball and said "Alright brace yourself Daniel, because not an inch of my power is going to be held back!" Daniel said "Good! That's just how I expect the battle to be." 

Roark smirked and threw his pokeball, saying "Alright Geodude, let's go!" His Geodude came out. Daniel smirked and said "I had a feeling you'd lead off with Geodude. Piplup, I choose you!" Daniel's Piplup came on the field, ready to fight. Max said "Using Piplup is a smart move. Daniel clearly has the upper hand." "Yeah," Cooper agreed, "But he is still a Gym Leader. No problem though! Daniel can take them!" 

Daniel started off strong by commanding "Alright Piplup, let's start off with a bubblebeam!" Piplup fired fast and furious bubbles at Geodude. Roark said "Counter it with Rock Throw!" Geodude formed rocks between his hands as he fired them at the bubbles, popping them directly on impact. The rocks continued to viciously pursue Piplup and struck him to the ground. "Good!" Roark commended, "Now use tackle!" Geodude began to roll at Piplup at a consistent pace. Daniel quickly responded by ordering "Intercept it quick with a peck attack!" Piplup pecked Geodude with its beak, but Geodude was still trying to charge forwards at Piplup. Daniel said "That thing doesn't know when to stop!" He ignored it and commanded "Blow it off with another Bubblebeam!" Piplup unleashed a stream of bubbles directly on Geodude, sending it flying back on its side of the field. Cooper said "Direct hit! And it's down for the count!" Geodude was knocked out.

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