Episode 3: The Rogue Shinx

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  Episode 3
The Rogue Shinx

Daniel, Max and Katie were all headed in the direction towards Jubilife City. They could see the city over the horizon. Katie said "I can see Jubilife City now!" Max said "Our first town in Sinnoh! Come on, Mudkip!" Max and Mudkip ran ahead. Katie and Dratini tried to keep up. "Hey guys, wait up!"

Daniel said to Aipom "Don't worry buddy. We're almost there. You can rest in a little bit." Aipom forced a smile on its face. All of a sudden, Starly were flying as fast as they could away from rogue lightning bolts coming from the forest. A Shinx was racing out the forest, blasting off fierce lightning bolts at everything in its way. Daniel yelled "Get down!" They all hit the ground as Shinx continued to race into the town. Katie said "It's heading towards the city! We have to warn people!" They all raced to the city.

They finally made it to the city. They decided to go to the Pokemon center to heal up their Pokemon. Nurse Joy said "Here you go, Daniel. All of your Pokemon are back to fighting health." They all said "Thanks Nurse Joy." She just smiled at them. They saw Shinx run past the Pokemon center. A lady in blue riding a motorcycle was seen chasing it. Daniel said "That looks like Officer Jenny! Let's see if she needs any help."

When they began chasing her, she was right on Shinx's tracks. However, Shinx turned around and let out an electrical shock at her motorcycle, making it malfunction. The motorcycle began to spark and spin, sending her flying off of it straight into the ground. Daniel, Katie and Max ran over to her aid. "Oh my goodness," Katie exclaimed, "Are you alright, Officer?" She grunted and got up. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

Max asked "What's going on here?" She replied "This Shinx came out the forest and now it's making all kind of mischief all over the town." "That's terrible!" Max said. The Shinx said its name, unleashing an untamed outburst of electricity all over the place. Officer Jenny said "It's using discharge! Get down!" They all ducked just in time, as an uncontrolled discharge of electricity let loose right over their heads.

The Shinx ran off deeper into the town. She sighed. "This is bad..." Daniel volunteered "I'll stop the Shinx for you, Officer." Jenny refused. "No. I couldn't ask that of you. It's too dangerous." Katie also volunteered "We'll go with him. All of us are Pokemon Trainers. We can stop this thing." Jenny hesitated leaving this job to a bunch of kids, but she agreed "Alright. I'll leave this in your hands now." Daniel said "Thanks, Officer. Come on, Aipom. Let's go stop Shinx!" Aipom said its name eagerly as they chased after the Shinx. Katie and Max said "Hey, wait for us!" Jenny sighed and said "I hope I did the right thing just now..."

While they were running through the town, they ran into Cooper. He was already battling the Shinx. He said "Alright, Ditto! Use transform!" His Ditto transformed into the Shinx. He said "Alright, Ditto! Now use tackle!" The Ditto ran at the Shinx full power. However, the real Shinx cloaked itself in sparks and tackled Cooper's Ditto. It returned to its Ditto form and fainted. She Shinx laughed and ran off.

Cooper said "It beat me..." Daniel yelled to get Cooper's attention. "Cooper!" Cooper looked over and saw his friends. "Hey Daniel, Katie and......who is this?" "Max," He answered. "I'm assuming he's a friend of yours?" Cooper answered "We go way back. Anyway, I was trying to catch that Shinx, but it seems too strong. I got to get all my badges so I can qualify for the Sinnoh League, you know. This Shinx is just going to slow me down. I'm off to the Oreberg gym. Maybe I can meet you guys there." Cooper hurried off in his other direction.

Katie shook her head saying "He's always so busy. We didn't even get a chance to give him his Pokedex..." Daniel said "We'll get it to him. But we made a promise to Officer Jenny. We have to stop that Shinx." They all agreed and kept searching the town.

Eventually, they found the Shinx trying to take some goods from a shop. The shop owner was terrified as the Shinx got closer to it, sparking in electricity. Daniel commanded "Aipom, use swift!" Golden sharp stars hit Shinx head on. Shinx was now focused on Daniel and Aipom. The shop owner said "Please, get this thing out of here!!!" Daniel said "No problem." Shinx sparked in yellow electricity, making an angry face. Shinx let out a wild lightning bolt at Aipom, which zapped him from all sides. Daniel said "Hang strong, Aipom!" Aipom held in. "That's the spirit," Daniel praised. "Now, scratch attack!" Aipom grew sharp claws out its hands and began slashing Shinx. However, Shinx began to store electricity within its body. It started glowing in yellow light. Daniel said "Aipom, get out of there! That's charge!" Aipom ducked for cover and so did everyone else. Shinx unleashed a massive discharge of electricity, totally wrecking the shop. Shinx ran off into the town some more.

Katie said "It got away..." The angry shop owner said "AND IT WRECKED MY SHOP!" They tried to laugh and say "Hehe...sorry about your shop..." Aipom started tugging Daniel's pants leg and pointed in the direction Shinx could be seen running. Daniel said "We can't let it get away!"

They started chasing Shinx again. They lost Shinx after a little while. Daniel asked "Where did it go?" Max answered "According to my Pokedex, it isn't far at all." Daniel said "I think we may have to capture this thing. It's too dangerous to just let loose again. It needs to be trained." Katie said "That actually sounds like a good idea. Can you handle that Shinx, though?" Daniel replied "Don't know, but I sure can try." The Shinx leaped in front of them again. This time, it looked even angrier. Daniel asked "Aipom, you ready for a round 2?" Aipom made a fighting face and got ready to fight Shinx.

Daniel said "Okay, Aipom. Use swift!" Aipom swung its tail horizontally, making sharp golden stars hone in on Shinx. Shinx skillfully evaded the stars and unleashed another outburst of electricity. Aipom got hit head on with it, but still held strong. Daniel said "Alright, Aipom, use iron tail!" Aipom made its tail turn metallic and slammed Shinx with a hard tail. "Now, finish it off with a scratch." Aipom extended its claws as long as it could go and gave it one big slash. Aipom fell to the floor, unable to fight anymore." Daniel said "Alright. Go pokeball!" Daniel threw a pokeball at it. It shook back and forth a few times with the middle flickering red. It finally made a "ding" sound and Daniel picked up the pokeball.

Daniel reached down and picked up the Pokeball. He said "Alright! I caught a Shinx!" Aipom jumped in excitement. Max said "Congrats, Daniel!" Daniel said "Thanks. Mission accomplished. Let's go tell Officer Jenny."
They headed back to the Pokemon center and saw Officer Jenny there. Officer Jenny asked "Did you stop it?" Daniel replied "Yep. I even managed to catch it." She said "That's great! The city owes you a big thank you." Daniel asked "You wanna see?" She replied "Actually, I think it's better if you-" "Come on out, Shinx!" Shinx came out the pokeball. She said "Hmm...well it does seem calmer now. I can tell you now though, that Shinx won't be easy to raise. Can you take care of it?" She answered "Of course I can! We're gonna be buddies, right Shinx?" Shinx zapped Daniel with a Discharge. He said "Yeah. He likes me."

Jenny got a call on her walkie talkie. She said "What? The Growlthe's been captured?! That's great!" She put the walkie talkie back on her side. Daniel asked "A Growlthe, you say?" She answered "Yeah, that was another problem we had. A Growlthe was going around burning things all over the town. Luckily, some trainer with a leather jacket and shades in his head captured it." Katie said "Wait a second! The description sounds like..."

All of a sudden, Duke walked in the door with a Growlthe following him. He walked by Daniel and said "You aren't the only person who's allowed to catch Pokemon, you know." Daniel growled and they walked off. Officer Jenny asked "You know him?" Daniel answered "Yeah...he's my rival."  

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