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After smtym's evry1 together goes to hav dinner...MaNan are sitting the corner of the table,,jst oppsite to each other, navya besyd nandini, nd cabir besyd manik!

Table ke upar toh sab kuch thik hai,,bt table ke niche.,,

Manik hits nandini's leg once, then nandini hits his leg..Both r just fighting wid each other undr the table, wid leg!

Waha niche both r fighting,nd yaha upar, both r jst smiling naughtily at each other!..

Nandini agn hitted manik's leg, nd this tym,takes her leg behynd,so that he cant hit!

Manik is searching for her leg, nd she just winks at him!

Manik found smthng nd thot it's nandini's leg! Manik jst hitted it!

Yaha manik hitted, nd waha cabir!--


Navya-arey!kya hua?!

Cabir-tum muje apne paer se kyu mar rahi ho?!

Navya-wat! Mene kab mara!

while they were fighting here, manik was jst trying to hide his face!

and nandini, was jst finding ways to stop laughing!

manik jst glared at nandini, nd she was laughing! ;p

finnaly, after all fun, evry1 finishd dinner,nd went to the hall agn,to njoy the party..

Nandini was talking with Navya nd mukti, wen she sudnly noticed thru window,, smthng lyk light,outsyd d college..

Nandini thot wat it might be, so she decided to go outsyd,in d garden nd check..

As soon as she came outsyd in gardn, she was jst so glad! There were so many fireflies! dancing here nd there, in the whole garden!

The scenery was jst heart taking...in front of lake,so many glowing fireflies nandini was jst smiling..

as soon as she tried to catch one, her leg slipped! And she was jst abt to fall!

But,she felt,a heavy arm, wrapd around her waist ,,protecting her,nt leting her fall..

nandini opend her eyes slowly, nd yes it was him..Manik..

both shared a lovey eyelock.. then manik made her stand properly..

Manik-so, these are ur fireflies na? (smiling)

Nandini-yes manik..arn't they jst beautiful? (smiling)

Manik sat down on the grass,nandini too sat besyd him both were just admiring that lovely moment..

siting in grass,in front of a lake, stars shining jst above, fireflies glowing all around...nd u r wid d person,whom u Love..

manik-yes...they r really so beautiful..


manik-nandini,,y u lyk them so much?

Nandini-see na manik,they glow..they r so pretty!

manik- hmm..bt u knw wat, i m far better than them!

nandini- achcha? Kaise?!

manik- tum batao, inme aisa kya ho, jo i dont hav?!

nandini- see na,,they glow..they glow for me...

manik smiles hearing her , then says-

Manik- oh..thik hai, frm now na, I'L GLOW FOR YOU...LYK UR FIREFLIES..hamesha..

nandini becms so happy, hearing him, she also smiles lovingly..

manik-toh ab bolo,who is better? ;-)

nandini-both are! ♥

MaNan smiles to each other lovingly ♥ then, nandini wntd to catch a firefly, bt missd it.. ;-)

seeing her, Manik got up, nd gave her hand to stand up ♥ nandini took his hand nd stood up.. ♥

Manik went nd stood behynd her.,,he holds her hand on his.. ♥ nd raised their hand up together..her hand on his... ♥

Nandini lukd at manik,confusinly,,he jst smild at her.. ♥

Jst after a little tym, a firefly came, nd sat on her hand.. ♥ nandini was just ovrwhlmd..♥

nandini's face glew up in happiness, nd manik's face glew up,seing her happy.. ♥

Nandini wantd to touch it, bt that naughty one flew away.. ;-) nandini was jst so happy...She turnd to manik, who was smiling at her cuteness ♥ ♥

She just huggd him tight, ♥ manik also hugd her.. ♥ both were in relief,in peace, in Love.. ♥

after smtym's they broke the hug,, ♥ both shared a cutey eyelock, smiling at each other.. ♥

after a litl bit tym, CaVya, DhruLya nd MukBhi also reachd there..They were also taken aback wid the lovely beauty.. ♥

Dhruv-so u both r here..

Abhi-we were searching u guys!

Nandini- choro guys! Se na! Meet my fireflies ♥

Evry1 was admiring fireflies,wen cabir whisprd to manik-

cabir- ye 'my fireflies' list mae,tu vi hai kya?

Manik smild to himslf nd thot-' YES,SHE IS MY STAR, I M HER FIREFLY'' ♥

Then aftr smtyms, everyone left as party got over.. ;-) manik was droping nandini,,all d way they talkd abt the party n all.. ♥ ;-)

After reaching, MaNan got down frm car,- ;-)

manik-so bye! Gud n8! ♥

nandini-manik! Wo dekho!!

Manik lukd there, nd nandini quickly kissed him on cheek, nd ran away! ♥ ;-)

'gud n8 manik!'-nandini said loud, while closing the door of house, nd blushing! ♥

Manik also blushd,nd smiled cutely,touching his cheek where she kissd.. ♥

then manik also went to his house,, both thot abt each other at nite ♥ pata nai wen,,both dozzed off.. ;-) ♥ ♥

precap-Manan love to bloom more ;-) ♥

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