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MaNan startd to get ready for the party 😉 Manik was geting ready in the room nd nandini was in the washroom ❤

Manik wore a black texudo wid red piping (valntines wala), looking the perfct hotie!😍

Manik was seting his hairs wen sudnly washroom door opend nd nandini came out 😘

KHATAM! Manik Malhotra's jaw just dropd up in shock!! He was simply amazd 😂

Nandini came out wearing a beautiful black top,wid a deep red mini skirt (campaing wala 😍😉

She was just looking like an angel ❤ ..She was combing her hairs ❤

Manik was jst adriming her wid shock.. 😋 nandini came to the mirror nd combd her hairs.. 😉 she saw manik staring at her lovingly thru the mirror ❤

Nandini blushinly smiled,nd then luking at him thru the mirror askd- ;-)

Nandini-Manik tum aeseee kya dekh rae ho? <3

Manik got back in trance hearing her <3 He jst smiled to her lovingly thru d mirror <3 then came to her nd huggd her frm back <3

Nandini #smiled to him cutely nd he also did thru d mirror♥

Manik- do you know that you are looking lyk an angel? <3

Nandini blushingly smiled nd said- 'thnx' <3

Manik slowly startd to move her back hairs :-*..he moved those nd gave a loving kiss on her shoulder <3

Nandini closed her eyes nd smiled blushily <3 Manik then made her turn to him ;-)

Nandini was luking downwards, Manik raisd her chin up wid his finger nd made her look at him <3

Manik- I love you so much nandini <3 you are luking angelic <3

Nandini smiled nd manik jst took her in a lovie dovie hug <3..Both felt complete in each othrs arms <3

After the hug, Manik cuppd her face nd gave a cuto kiss on her forhead <3 Both restd their forhead togthr <3

Manik-ok swthrt now get ready quickly <3

Nandini-yup cutopie! ;-)

Nandini agn turnd to the mirror, wore earings,a litle make-up ;-)

Manik was waiting for her outside.. <3 Nandini came nd once agn manik got heart-attack! ;-) <3

Manik #quickly gave a kiss on her cheek <3 nd said-

Manik- u'l kill me nandini! Ur luking shoo cutee! :-*

He said lyk a baby nd nandini also quikly gave a kiss on his cheek nd said- :-*

Nandini- mr.malhotra,,u r also luking very cute! <3

Both smiled to each othr nd manik then forward his hand to her lyk a gentlman <3 nandini smilingly took his arm nd both walkd to the westrn party hall <3 ;-)

As soon as MaNan walkd in evry1 in d party was jst staring at the adorable pair <3

CaVya,MukBhi nd DhruLya saw MaNan nd went to them :-)

Cabir- WoHo!! Kisika murder karna chahti ho kya nandini?! ;-)

Mukti- wo guys! Serously u both r luking damn gud! ;-)
Alya-u guys are jst made for each other yar! ;-)

MaNan blushd and smiled ;-) manik saw evry1 were staring at them;-)

Manik slowly wrapd him arm around nandini's waist <3 nandini lukd at him nd both had a cutie futie eylock! :-* <3

All the 4 pairs walkd to the table nd sat around it nd startd their gossip n all ;-)

After smtyms host came nd said evry1 to #start dancing! ;-)

Manik went to nandini nd sat on his knees in front of her <3

Manik- ms.nandini murthy, wud u lyk to hav a dance wid me? ;-)
Nandini- i wud love to, mr.malhotra! <3

Nandini gave her hand to manik, manik stood up nd both went to the dance floor <3

Music startd- ;-)

'kisiko sapna lage tu, kisiko behti hawa,
kisike bas bato mae har pal mae yaha waha' <3

Manik slid his hands around her waist,she encircld her arms around his neck, EYELOCK! <3 nd they moved slowly <3

'kisike so jhut sun le,kisika sach vi guna, kisike bas batome kare hal chal sara jaha' <3

Manik made her hold his finger nd twirld her all around him..Then pulled her to him frm back <3 her back colided his chest <3 They entwind fingers nd Manik lifted her up <3 ;-)

'TE AMO, Me Te Amo, tu chao hai, tu dhup hai <3 Te amo ,me te amo tere hajaro rup hai' <3

Manik moved round with her,lifting her up nd #Eyelock! ;-)

'koi samjha nahi,jo vi hai bas khub hai, i feel so crazy in love,te amo,me te amo,tu chao hai, tu dhup haiii' <3

Manik put her down nd music ended with the signature step of Manan:-* <3

Evry1 in the hall clappd up loud! Nd cheerd for the adorable pair! ;-)

MaNan stood up prcfctly nd after thanking evry1 left the stage! ;-)they went to their frndz :-)

Cabir- fire! Fire! Fire! Koi muje bachao! The stage was in fire guys! ;-)

Dhruv-exactly yar! U both are jst awsm tgthr! ;-)
Abhi- yu guys were fab! Hats off! ;-)

MaNan blshily smiled nd thnkd evry1 ;-)

MaNan lukd at each other nd shared a lovie dovie eyelock <3

Manik went to nandini,took her hand in his nd kissed her hand <3

Manik-thnx a lot for shining! :-*

Nandini- thnx a lot for glowing! :-*

MaNan agn had a lovely eyelock,full of Love, Care nd peace <3 <3 <3

prcp- #rain_love_manan 

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