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Early morning birds chirping disturbd the sound sleep of Maniks baby doll <3 Nandini opend her eyes only to see the cutest scene in front <3

Manik was facing her back,his arm was wrapd around her belly nd his face was hiddn on her hairs <3 her baby monster was sleeping like a 2 years old child <3

Nandini slowly turnd towards him nd wrapd her tiny arms around his waist,nd rested her head on his shoulder <3

Nandini rmembrd how her baby monster cares abt her <3 she was feeling blesd to hav him in her life <3

Nandini slowly tiltd her face towards him,nd gave a loving kiss on his cheek <3

Manik smiled in his sleep,nandini smiled that he feels her in sleep too <3

Nandini agn kissd on his eye,nd this time he lazily opend his eyes,only to see his smiling baby doll <3

Manik gave a cute kiss on her forhead nd took her in a tight hug <3

Manik-gud mrng my baby doll <3
Nandini-gud mrng my cutopy! <3

Manik-its our big day na! #My doll is ready or not? ;-)
Nandini-ur doll is perfectly ready! <3

Manik-ok swtheart,now lets get up nd get ready? <3
Nandini-yup! U go get ready in washrum..i'l get ready here ;-)

Manik-as my doll says! <3

MaNan got up frm bed nd manik went to washroom,while nandini was geting ready in the room :-)

After a while,manik came out after geting ready nd was jst frozen in his place! Amazed! ;-)

There stood Nandini,in front of the mirror,wearing a long red skirt,nd was trying to zip up her black top ;-)

She was luking like a perfect aingel,nd manik was taken aback ;-)her open hairs,earings nd evrythng was jst complimenting her beauty <3

Manik finaly came back to trance nd slowly walkd towards her in frnt of the mirror <3

Nandini saw Manik's intense gaze on her,nd blushd hard..She turnd to him,nd hiding her blush said- ;-)

Nandini-manik!wo zip is nt kardo.. ;-)

Manik-yeah,sure :-)

Nandini turnd her back towards him,nd Manik slowly zipd her dress <3 then he tightly hugd her frm back nd said resting his chin on her shouldr- <3

Manik-baby doll,agar itni cute lagogi toh mai album pae kaise concntrate kar paunga? :-*

Nandini smiled widely nd after giving a quick peck on his cheek,she said- <3

Nandini-thank u baby monster! <3

Manik slowly turnd her towards him,cupd her face nd gave a lovie dovie kiss on her forhead <3

Manik-I love u my doll..more than anything..hamesha.. <3

Manik took her in a lovie dovie hug,nd nandini restd her head on his chest nd said lovingly- <3

Nandini- I love u too..more than anythng..hamesha <3

Both stayd in their lovely hug for smtyms,feeling the mst warm,care nd lovable place ever <3 finaly breaking the hug,manik said- :-)

Manik-ok ok baby doll! Thora romance next time ke liae bachake rakhtehe na?! ;-)

Nandini laughd out nd then puling his cheeks,lovingly said- yesh my monshter! :-*

Finaly both got perfctly ready,nd hand in hand left the room after two 'best of luck' kisses on each others cheek ;-) <3

MaNan came down,nd saw #evry1 ready,waiting for them ;-) After a hugs-nd-gud mrngs-session, manik said- ;-)

Manik-kya guys! Hume bulaya kyu nai? Kabse wait karrahe ho? ;-)

Cabir-abey yar,bulana toh chahte thae..par phir socha tumdonoki romance ka dhajia na ur jai..toh.. ;-)

MaNan jst blushd while evry1 awwd at the cute couple ;-) all had breakfast together with lots of fun nd jokes,nd finaly left togthr for the contract signing!! ;-)

All were gosiping,having fun in the car,while sudnly manik shouted- ;-)

Manik-oye cabir! Gari ruk!! ;-)
Cabir stopd the car wid a sudn jerk nd evry1 glared at manik confusingly! ;-)

Cabir saw a toy hawker outside nd said glaring at manik- ;-)
Cabir-abey saale kuch toh sharam kar! Is umar mae khilono se khelega?! ;-)

Manik-what?! ;-)

Evry1 startd to laught out loud nd manik #playfuly hited cabir ;-)

Nandini-acha baba..avi bolo na! Y did we stop? :-)

Manik- chachi..hame chachi se milneke baad jana hai! Yad aya? ;-)

Nandini then remmbrd about their last n8 talk wid chachi and how she just adored that how much #her monster cares abt her nd her family <3

Nandini jst took their entwind hands up,nd gave a kiss on his hand,whispering a 'thank u' <3

Manik smiled nd gave a lovely kiss on the corner of her forhead nd said -'its my family too' <3

Both were lost in their nvr-ending eyelock <3 wen sudnly they heard loud coughing sound ;-)

Cabir-control.. ;-)
Evry1 laughd out nd Manan blushd,side huging each other <3

Cabir then drove to nandini's house,nd then MaNan took chachis blessings <3

Chachi fed them dahi-chini,as best of luck wish nd blesh them,hugd them with all d motherly love <3

Finaly MaNan again left for the contract signing after biding bye to chachi nd manik kisd her cheek too ;-)

Finaly wid all fun,all reachd 'S-IONS' office, MaNan lukd at each othr,nd smild <3 <3 <3

prcp- #office_mae_tamasha !! ;-) hehe 

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